cp09-25-1979 cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF September 23T 0 Septeembe r_2 � 1979 SUNDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 7:00 A.M. - Budget Review 8:30 A.M. - Meeting with 10:00 A.M. - Hearing on Annexa- Department Heads tion (John Miller) at City Hall MONDAY Noon - Hutchinson Safety Counci� at Prairie House 2:00 P.M. - Open Bids for Repair of Bridge FRIDAY Retirement Party for Clyde Drahos at Three Gabled Pub 6:30 P.M. - Social Hour 7:30 P.M. - Dinner (Make payment to Dick Nagy, City Hall) TUESDAY 7:00 A.M. - Budget Review 7:30 P.M. - City Council at City Hall SATURDAY It's all water under the School Road Bridge now:: �w AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 V.I. Call meeting to order - 7:30 P.M. ✓2. Invocation - ,/3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of September 11, 1979 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 4. Public Hearin - 8:00 P.M. Za) Consideration of Proposed 1980 Budget Action - Motion to close hearing ✓5. Requests, Communications, and Petitions None 6. Resolutions and Ordinances V(a) Resolution No. 6420 - Resolution of Appreciation (Larry J. Morrissette) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt. (b) Resolution No. 6421 - Resolution Authorizing Release of Securities to First National Bank of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions f(a) Monthly Financial Report - August 1979 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing �b) Minutes of Planning Commission dated August 21, 1979 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing /8. Unfinished Business ,.(0-) None Council Agenda September 25, 1979 9: New Business ✓(a) Consideration of Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize extensioonzpay period - Motion to authorize discontinuance of service �(b) Consideration of Request for Variance submitted by Mike's Mobil with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6422 /(c) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by Mike's Mobil with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6423 ✓(d) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by Rockite Silo with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6424 �<'e) Consideration of Request for Variance submitted by Rockite Silo with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6425 ✓(f) Consideration of Request for Preliminary Plat for "Rainbow Addition" submitted by Gil Lehman with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6426 ,/(g) Consideration of Request for Variance submitted by First National Bank (Muriel Felska) with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6427 ✓(h) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by First National Bank (Muriel Felska) with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 6428 /(i) Consideration of Salary for Sgt. John Gregor Action - ,%(j) Consideration of Hiring Liquor Store Clerk Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject -2- Council Agenda September 25, 1979 �fo. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from Clerk -Administrative Assistant V11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment -3- AGENDA ADDITION REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 9 0. Consideration of Minutes - Minutes of Special Meeting dated September 24, 1979 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 6. Resolutions and Ordinances ,(c) Resolution No. 6429 - Transferring $10,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt /d) Resolution No. 6430 - Resolution of Appreciation (Clyde Drahos) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 9. New Business ,/(k) Consideration of Part -Time Staff Additions for Recreation Department Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject %Al) Consideration of Civic Arena Seasonal Employee Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Black at 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Aldermen Westlund, Gruenhagen and Huntwork, in addition to Mayor Black. Absent: Alderman Peterson. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Plotz, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe and City Attorney Schantzen. 2. INVOCATION The Reverend Manley Swarthout of the Wesleyan Church delivered the invocation. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 28, 1979 were approved as presented upon motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY GEORGE FIELD TO ATTEND FIRE MARSHALS ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Huntwork, to approve the request for George Field to attend the Fire Marshals Association Quarterly Meeting. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR BRUCE.ERICSON AND STEVE JENSEN TO ATTEND MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARK ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ON OCTOBER 3-5, 1979 After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to approve the attendance at the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Conference by Bruce Ericson and Steve Jensen. The motion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO USE LIBRARY SQUARE FOR HEARTMOBILE ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1979 Following discussion, Alderman Westlund moved to approve the use of Library Square for the Heartmobile van during the hours of 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on September 12, 1979, and waive the fee for meter hoods. Seconded by Alder- man Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes September 11, 1979 .! (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR RON KIRCHOFF, DICK WAAGE, AND BOB RINGSTROM TO ATTEND FORENSIC SCIENCE SEMINAR ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to approve attendance at the Forensic Seminar on September 20, 1979. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 10/79 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 235:15 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED HOSPITAL BOARD RELATING TO POWERS AND DUTIES Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to waive second rdading and adopt Ordinance No. 583 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 235:15 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled Hospital Board Relat- ing to Powers and Duties. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion carr:Vid unanimously. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 11/79 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 245:05 AND SECTION 245:12 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED NURSING HOME BOARD RELATING TO APPOINTMENT AND TERMS AND POWERS AND DUTIES After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Ald- erman Huntwork and unanimously carried, to waive second reading and adopt Ordi- nance No. 584 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 245:05 and Section 245:15 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled Nursing Home Board Relating to Appointment and Terms and Powers and Duties. (c) ORDINANCE NO. 12/79 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6.08 OF THE 1974 ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED PUBLIC HEARINGS Following discussion, Alderman Westlund moved to waive reading and adopt Ordi- nance No. 585 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 6.08 of the 1974 Zoning Ordi- nance No. 464 of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled Public Hearings. The motion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 6416 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruen- hagen and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6416 entitled Resolution Authorizing Substitution of Securities to First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 6417 - TRANSFERRING $10,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND d� Council Minutes September 11, 1979 � Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6417 entitled Transferring $10,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unani- mously. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST 1979 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (b) MINUTES OF CIVIC ARENA BOARD DATED AUGUST 15, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF AIRPORT COMMISSION DATED AUGUST 20, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (d) MINUTES OF PARK AND RECREATION BOARD DATED AUGUST 1, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ENTER INTO SERVICE CONTRACT WITH MOTOROLA BY POLICE DEPARTMENT (DEFERRED AUGUST 28, 1979) Mayor Black reported he had discussed the service contract with Chief of Police O'Borsky. Although the contract was expensive, the technical equipment in the Police Department needed maintenance, and Chief O'Borsky had negotiated the figure down to the proposed amount. It was the consensus of the Council that it should be determined if another company could maintain the equipment at a lower cost in the future. The motion was made by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously, to enter into a contract with Motorola by the Police De- partment and authorize the signing thereof. Isis Council Minutes September 11, 1979 � (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY TRAILS END, INC. FOR SPECIAL PERMIT TO DISPLAY NEW AND USED CARS ON BOULEVARD (DEFERRED AUGUST 28, 1979) It was the recommendation of the Chief of Police and City Engineer to issue the special permit for Trails End, Inc. to use the boulevard for display pur- poses of new and used cars, with the following conditions: 1) on a year-to- year basis; 2) the walk area be maintained, particularly snow removal; and 3) the special permit would cease at such time as the street is improved. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man Huntwork and unanimously carried, that with the recommendation of the Chief of Police and City Engineer, to approve a special permit for Trails End, Inc. to be granted on an annual basis for a fee of $5.00. (c) CONSIDERATION OF LIGHTING ALONG OAKWOOD LANE (DEFERRED AUGUST 28, 1979) The item was deferred until such time as the petitioners on Oakwood Lane sub- mit a recommendation on lighting. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF PROMOTION TO POLICE SERGEANT FOR PATROLMAN JOHN GREGOR It was the recommendation of the Police Commission and Chief of Police that Patrolman John Gregor be promoted to Sergeant to fill a vacancy within the department. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved to approve the promotion of John Gre- gor,to be effective September 16, 1979. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FOR TRAFFIC COUNT SURVEY ON HIGHWAY 15 City Engineer Priebe reported the Hutchinson Safety Council had requested a traffic count survey be conducted on Highway 15 South, in the Plaza 15 area, to reduce speed and consider crosswalks in said area. In order to request the State Highway Department to conduct such a survey, it would be necessary for the Council to adopt a Resolution of request. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to approve the traffic count survey and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6419 entitled Resolution Requesting State Highway Department t`o Conduct Traffic Study On T.H. 15 South. (c) CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF PARK/TREE MAINTENANCE WORKER -4- Council Minutes September 11, 1979 � After discussion, Alderman Westlund made the motion to approve the employment of Wendell Mathews as full-time street/park maintenance worker, effective im- mediately. The motion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unani- mously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF MECHANIC FOR STREET DEPARTMENT Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to approve the employment of Kenneth Wich- terman as mechanic for the street department. (e) CONSIDERATION OF RESIGNATION OF DAN ST. PIERRE After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously, to accept the resignation of Dan St. Pierre and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6418 entitled Resolution of Appreciation. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO MOVE RESIDENTIAL GARAGE It was requested by June Redman to move a 24' x 24' residential garage from its present location to a new location on the same property. Building Offi- cial Willard recommended approval of the relocation of said garage, with the following stipulations: 1) application and approval of a building permit for a new floating slab foundation and floor; and 2) application and approval for a moving permit. Following discussion, Alderman Westlund moved to approve the relocation of a residential garage. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF RESIGNATION OF MARK MORTENSEN After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to accept the resignation of Mark Mor- tensen. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLERK -ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Plotz reported on a meeting held with the McLeod County Board of Commissioners regarding a joint application for a small cities develop- ment block grant from HUD to fund a sheltered workshop in Hutchinson. Two pub- lic hearings have been scheduled for September 24 and September 25, 1979. An- other meeting with the County Board will be held on Thursday, at which time they will discuss whether to apply for a single purpose or comprehensive grant for the county. The City would prefer a single purpose grant since it would best meet its needs. -5- Council Minutes September 11, 1979 Mr. Plotz informed the Council of the following regarding the airport opera- tion: 1. There is difficulty obtaining aviation fuel, which is a state-wide prob- lem. In the future they hope to purchase full loads of gas at one time. 2. The State has contacted the City regarding the instrument approach at the airport. The required poles have been installed, but an 8' x 10' insulated building built to State specifications still needs to be erected. The City will pay for the cost of constructing the building, and the State will pay for the equipment. City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported the drawings were complete for a land use permit from the County, and said permit had been obtained. The City will also need a building permit. The estimated cert for the,,building was $1,000. It was moved by Alderman Westlund to solicit proposals to construct an 8' x 10' building at the airport, according to prepared specifications;` to be received on or before September 24, 1979. Seconded by Alderman Hunt - work, the motion unanimously carried. 3. The Airport Commission minutes of August 20, 1979 reflect a request for the City to look into additional underground fuel storage tanks at the air- port. Another tank would enable the City to purchase a full load of fuel and save money,as well as availability. Administrative Assistant Plotz reported the old Mobil -Shell station site being remodeled for Taco John's restaurant had three gasoline storage tanks for sale. The City bought all three 5,000 gallon tanks at 15C./gallon. Two tanks will be installed at the airport and one at the street garage. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Westlund to solicit proposals for installation of underground fuel storage tanks at the air- port and City street garage, to be received on or before September 24, 1979. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unani- mously. Administrative Assistant Plotz commented that the City has obtained the deed from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flom for their property purchased under the LAWCON Grant, and the house will be vacated on September 15, 1979. Also, a house on the high rise site has been vacated. Mr. Plotz suggested taking bids to purchase and remove or demolish these two houses. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously, to advertise for bids to purchase or demolish said two houses. -6- Ic Council Minutes September 11, 1979 � The Council was reminded of an invitation received from the City of Norwood to attend the Regional Meeting of the League of Minnesota Cities in Norwood on October 4, 1979. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Black commented that two terms on the Park and Recreation Board had ex- pired. Since Mr. Larry Morrissette did not wish to be re -appointed, it was the Mayor's recommendation to appoint Roy M. Johnsen for a three-year term and re -appoint Ward Haugen for another term. It was moved by Alderman Westlund to ratify the appointments of Ward Haugen and Roy M. Johnsen on the Park and Recreation Board for three-year terms. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN WESTLUND Alderman Westlund commented that the street lights on the south side of School Road Bridge stop at the end of the bridge, making it difficult to see on the curve. It was, -therefore, his suggestion that three or four additional street lights be added in this area. City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported the lighting had not been completed in the area, but it was planned in the original drawings. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Schantzen reported he had received a response from Mr. Roger T. Sahr of Sahr, Kunert & Tambornino law firm in Minneapolis stating their rate of services would be $75.00 an hour, based on attorney's time and services and included staff services of the law firm. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe requested approval of a check in the amount of $7.50 to cover the cost of a Land Use Permit from the township. It was moved by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unani- mously carried, to approve payment in the amount of $7.50 for a Land Use Per- mit. Mr. Priebe further reported he had received a list of completed work by Ander- son -River Valley Tree contractor. The total work completed came to $2,281.38, and he asked for approval of payment under the contract agreement. He noted that out of 100 trees, 80 are deficient in some form of completion by the con- tractor. Payment will only be made for 100% completion of work. To date there has been no response to the letter sent by City Forester Schnobrich. -7- Council Minutes September 11, 1979 City Forester Schnobrich commented he was under the impression a representa- tive from Anderson -River Valley Tree Service would be at the Council meeting. He felt Anderson -River Valley's main concern was to complete the work and re- ceive their deposit money back. Alderman Gruenhagen moved to approve payment in the amount of $2,281.38 to Anderson -River Valley Tree Service for completed work. The motion was seconded by Alderman Westlund and unanimously carried. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unani= mously carried, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate -funds. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PAYMENT FOR STORM SEWER DRAIN TILE REPAIR City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported it was necessary for Juul Contracting Co. to repair a drain tile storm sewer in the alley south of Fifth Avenue S.E. between Hassan and Jefferson Streets in the amount of $7,198,Q0. This line was broken and full of dirt, causing a problem with proper function- ing of the sewer line. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and carried unanimously, to approve the expenditure of $7,198.00 to Juul Contracting Co. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was ad- journed at 8:15 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruen- hagen and unanimously carried. s E MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1979 The special meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. by Mayor Black, with none of the Aldermen present. Also present was Assistant City Engineer Rice. Mayor Black read the Advertisement for Bids for School Road Bridge, South Fork of Crow River, Hutchinson. The following bids were then opened and read: Arnold Beckman Inc. Apple Valley, MN M. G. Astleford Co. Inc. Burnsville, MN Structural Specialties Inc. Hutchinson, MN A - Deck Repair $32,300 B - Deck Repair 22,500 C - Excavation 18,785 D - Channel Excavation 44,200 Miscellaneous Items 29,024 A - Deck Repair 26,950 B - Deck Repair 26,900 C - Excavation 17,680 D - Channel Excavation 44,200 Miscellaneous Items 24,500 A - Deck Repair 26,200 B - Deck Repair 43,200 C - Excavation 303,056 D - Channel Excavation 44,200 Miscellaneous Items 22,082 It was the recommendation of Mayor Black to refer the bids to the Engineering Depart- ment for review and recommendation to the City Council. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:12 P.M. TO WHEREAS.. L" J. MoA isa ette has s enved t11e City wett as a member o6 the PoAk and RecAeati.on Boated Son seven (7) yeau; WHEREAS, said La"y J. MmAissette has served Sa,i hSuUy and d.ifigentZY giving o6 W time and Latents toward the enA ichment o6 the City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BV THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, deep appnec%atio n iz hereby expneas ed to LaAAy J. MoWuiss este Sots h" asonemen t ioned s e, vices and the g&atitude o6 Hutchinson and the citizens thmo 6 .c s hereby expt used. Adopted by the City Councit tis 25th day os SeptembeA, 1979. ATTEST: y otz City CZenk Mayon 9 RESOLUTION NO. 6421 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF SECURITIES TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Hutchinson, a duly designated depository of the City, has requested the release of the following securities: PLEDGE AGREEMENT NO. 1195 Ind. Sch. Dist. 4622, (North St.Paul- Maplewood) Cos. of Ramsey & Wash., MN Sch. Bldg. Bd. Series 16 6.70% 9-1-88 $20,000.00 which have heretofore been pledged as collateral security for the account of the City with such depository, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to release and return to said depository the securities requested by the First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. ' ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk D. J. Black Mayor 0 Fund. RESOLUTION NO. 6429 TRANSFERRING $10,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $10,000 is hereby transferred by the Liquor Store Fund to the General Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk -0-- on of ,PP Priati* TD WHEREAS, Ctyde Dnahos h.as aexved the City wett as a City emptoyee .in the capacity of Ch,ie j platen Ptant OpeAaton Jon the past twenty-one (21) yeaxs; WHEREAS, said Ctyde Dnahos has aeJcved jaithjuP,ey and ditigentty giving of his time and tatentz towaxd the enh ichment of the City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, deep appneciatc:on is hereby expressed to Clyde Dnahos jon his ajo&ementioned a envicea and the gratitude o6 Hutchinson and the citizens the,%eo 6 is hereby expnesa ed. Adopted by the City Councit this 25th day of September, 1979. ATTEST: Gaxy D. Ptotz City Ctoik Mayon REVENUE REPORT Description GENERAL FUND TAXES LICENSES PERMITS & FEES INTER -GOVERNMENT REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES WATER & SEWER FUND WATER' & SEWER UTILITIES CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1979 Current Adopted Year to Month Budget Date Amount $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 000 388,424:00 225,879.90 249.00 10,725.00 11,801.01 4,246.80 29,500.00 25,050.18 72,050.00 9231541.00 436,036.18 5,855.28 224,113.00 214,123.34 2,170.62 20,000.00 17,067.12 12,075.10 50,000.00 69,011.46 10,000.00 287,000.00 267,311.55 506.01 300.00 3,.258.05 $ 107,152.81 $ 1,933,603.00 $ 50,158.95 $ 560,600.00 $ 1,269,537.79 $ 399,713.37 Remaining Balance $0,000,000.00 162,544.10 (1,076.01) 4,449.82 487,505.82 9,989.66 2,932.88 (19,011.46) 19,688.45 ( 2,958.05) $ 664,065;21 $ 160,886.63 Percentage Used 58.2% 110.0% 84.9 47.2% 95.5% 85.3% 138.0% 93.1% 1086.01% 65.7% 71.3% EXPENSE REPORT Description GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ELECTIONS CITY CLERK MOTOR VEHICLE ASSESSING LEGAL PLANNING CITY HALL OLD ARMORY POLICE DEPT. FIRE DEPT. COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS CIVIL DEFENSE SAFETY COUNCIL ENGINEERING STREETS & ALLEYS CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1979 Current Adopted Year To Remaining Percentage Month Budget Date Amount Balance Used $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0;000,000.00 % 1,028.58 16$50.00 14,226.42 2,123.58 87.0% 3,576.23 41,772.00 29,748.74 12,023.26 71.2% 18.94 5,901.00 69.01 5,831.99 1.2% 11,131.38 129,909.00 86,345.91 43,563.09 66.5% 21387.26 30,473.00 20,804.67 9,668.33 68.3% 33.27 12,500.00 6,283.27 6,216.73 50.3% 1,166.27 13,749.00 10,350.47 3,398.53 75.3% 41.39 2,000.00 2,018.63 (18.63) 100.9% 2,696.21 27,260.00 18,414.51 8,845.49 67.6% 606.19 21,151.00, 11,129.15 10,021.85 52.6% 29,225.27 366,906.00 259,113.41 107,792.59 70.6% 706.34 57,100.00 20,435.19 3621664.81 35.8% 1,611.15 17,864.00 11,604.75 6,259.25 65.0% 3,773.85 45,586.00 30,498.32 15,087.68 66.9% 000 800.00 361.00 439.00 45.1% 000 250.00 000 250.00 -- 9,072.18 101,069.00 66,618.48 34,420.52 65.9% 30,819.66 210,528.00 166,843.96 43,684.04 79.3% EXPENSE REPORT CONTINUED Description MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT -STREET CONSERVATION OF HEALTH LIBRARY RECREATION CIVIC ARENA PARK DEPT. CEMETERY, DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVIC E AIRPORT TRANSIT UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPENSE HRA FIRE MARSHALL WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS -ADM. WATER PLANT OPERATIONS SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS Current Month $0,000,000.00 10,849.68 000 209.79 7,114.70 1,706.16 22,634.87 2,217.86 1,638.30 K4 4,841.00 2,331.61 79,877.36 1,755.31 2,077.77 $ 2350148.58 Adopted Budget $0,000,000.00 56,000.00 300.00 40,172.00 61,705.00 57,045.00 175,785.00 23,649.00 15,700.00 38,750.00 45,345.00 36,976.00 253,843.00 00 26,165.00 $1,932,603.00 Year to Date Amount $0,000,000.00 43,551.01 000 29,448.51 62,285.52 34,592.94 121,495.78 14,107.96 23,935.10 9,170.00 32,407.22 21,643.32 167,376.72 14,733.57 17,973.30 $ 1,347,616.84 Remaining Balance $0,000,000.00 12,448.99 300.00 10,723.49 (580.52) 22,452.06 54,289.22 9,541.04 ( 8,235.10) 29,580.00 12,937.78 15,332.68 86,466.28 (14,733.57) 8,191.70 $ 584,986.16 Percentage Used y. 77.8% 73.3% 100.9% 60.6% 69.1% 59.7% 152.5% 23.7% 71.5% 58.5% 65.9% 999.9% 68.7% 69.73% 25,527.82 649,366.00 337,173.09 312,192.91 51.9% 7,344.78 569100.00 34,737.75 21,362.25 61.9% 8,479.89 100,400.00 120,873.22 (20,473.22) 120.4% s 41,352,49 $ 0 $ 492,784.06 $ 313,081.94 61.• r 0 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 21, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Paul Christen with the following members being present: Bill Backen, Dan Huntwork, Bob Otte and Elsa Young in addition to Chairman Christen. Absent were Don Erickson and Clint Tracy. Also attending were Administrative Assistant, Gary Plotz, City Engineer, Marlow Priebe and Building Official, Bud Willard. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the July 17, 1979 and July 31, 1979 meetings were unanimously approved on motion by Bob Otte and seconded by Bill Backen. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF RQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE-PElI rT SUBMITTED BY CITY OF HUTCHINSON IN THE FLOODWAY The hearing had been continued to allow time for the Department of Natural Resources to review engineering pians of the proposed fill location. Since no one had heard from them since the plans had been sent it was the consenus of the Planning Commission to go ahead and grant the requested conditional use permit. Dan Huntwork made a motion to close the hearing at 7:41 P.M. Seconded by Bob Otte the motion carried unanimously. Bob Otte then made the motion to recommend approval for the cond- itional use permit to the City Council to allow the City of Hutch- inson to deposit fill in the floodway. Seconded by Bill Backen the motion unanimously carried. b) CONTINUATION OF CONS,IDERAT,ION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY GOEBEL FIXTURE The hearing had been continued to allow time for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency representative to review the noise prob- lem. They returned a letter with suggestions and commended Goe- bel Fixture for their willingness to resolve the problem. Mrs. Joe Schimml, 986 Thomas Ave., a neighboring property owner, stated she wanted to thank the Goebel family for their cooperation. She went on to say the beepers have been cut out and once an ap- proval for a barrier is given she has been assured the landscaping will be complete. However, they do not want any additional noise. Elsa Young made the motion to close the hearing at 7:58 P.M. Second- ed by Dan Huntwork the motion carried unanimously. Planning Commission Page 2 August 21, 1979 Mr. Dan Huntwork proposed the Planning Commission recommend ap- proval to the City Council contingent upon 1) a 12' high approp- riate sound barrier be constructed as agreed upon and 2) the noise levels not increase in the future beyond the noise levels measured after the barrier is complete and 3) the City take action necessary to keep truck traffic off of Thomas Avenue. Seconded by Bill..Backen the motion carried unanimously. c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTED BY DENNIS ALBERTSON TO BE KNOWN AS "PADEN FIRST ADDITION" The hearing was opened at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Paul Christen. Mr. Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, explained a ponding area will be necessary until such time storm sewers are brought up to date. He also commented once annexation is complete this area will be zoned commercial. The Minn. Hwy. Dept. must approve this request and as yet no word has been received. He did not however, anticipate any problem. Bill Backen made a motion to close the hearing at 8:09 P.M. Seconded by Elsa Young the motion unanimously carried. Elsa Young then made a motion to recommend approval of the request to the City Council of the preliminary plat for "Paden First Add- ition". Seconded by Bob Otte the motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY LARRY SCHANTZENBACH/MICHAEL D. OLESON (TACO JOHN'S) The hearing opened at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Christen. The request is to modify a building which is non -conforming to the present zoning. Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, indicated a letter to the Minn. Hwy. Dept. is necessary because of highway regulations changing in regards to signs. Bob Otte made a motion to close the hearing at 8:15 P.M. Bill Backen seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Bill Backen then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a conditional use permit as requested. Seconded by Dan Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried.' e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY RIVERSIDE PROPERTIES (FORMER MEDICAL CENTER) The hearing opened at 8:17 P.M. by Chairman Christen. The fact this building is located in the flood area and because it has been vacant for a period of over six months, a conditional use permi > required. Planning Commission ® August 21, 1979 Page 3 Mr. Jim Cavanaugh, representing Riverside Properties, presented plans for the building formerly known as the Medical Center. He went on to explain some of the, property wi31 be used for rental. The parking lot will be restored and landscaping will be done. Elsa Young made a motion to close the hearing at 8:20 P.M. Sec- onded by Bill Backen the motion carried unanimously. Dan Huntwork made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a conditional use permit as requested. Elsa Young seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY LAVERNE WYLIE The hearing was opened at 8:21 P.M. by Chairman Christen. No one was present at the hearing opposing the request. Mr. Plotz, Administrative Assistant,, explained to the Planning _— Commission since the garage is already non -conforming a conditional use permit is necessary before a patio can be added. _ Dan Huntwork made the motion to close the hearing at 8:22 P.M. Seconded by Bill Backen the motion unanimously carried. Elsa Young then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council to grant the conditional use permit as requested. Second- ed by Bill Backen, the motion unanimously carried. - g) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY HUTCH UTILITIES The hearing was opened at 8:23 P.M. by Chairman Christen. It was noted a variance was needed to allow the applicant to build a sec- ondary building of metal rather than concrete. Elsa Young made the motion to close the hearing at 8:25 P.M. Seconded by Bill-Backen, the motion unanimously carried. Bill Backen made a motion to recommend approval to City Council for the variance providing an attempt is made the shade of the new building blends well with the existing building. Seconded by Dan Huntwork, the motion carried unanimously. h) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY HUTCH UTILITIES The hearing was opened at 8:28 P.M. by Chairman Christen. No one was present showing opposition to the request. Planning Commission August 21, 1979 Page 4 � A conditional use permit is required due to the fact combustible materials will be stored in the building. After discussion concerning safety, Dan Huntwork made a motion to close the hearing at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Bob Otte, the motion carried unanimously. Bob Otte then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council for the variance as requested. Seconded by Bill Backen, the motion unanimously carried. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY MIKE'S MOBIL Mr. Plotz. Administrative Assistant, explained the request is to add to the present building a section 20' x 20' to be used for office space, storage and enclose his outside bait area to an inside area for the winter months. The requirement for service stations is to have a lot size of 100' x 100' so therefore, a variance is required. Due to the fact, this lot already does not meet this qualification, it is non -conforming and requires a conditional use permit. Parking was discussed as it may be a problem. However, it appears the ordinance states this area is exempt from the requirements. Elsa Young made a motion to set both hearings for the Variance and Conditional Use Permit for September 18, 1979. Dan Hunt - work seconded the motion and it unanimously carried. b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY MIKE'S MOBIL This subject is covered in the above paragraph. C) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF MCDONALD'S SIXTH ADDITION Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, informed the Planning Commission that all easements have been met and the number of lots are the same as the preliminary plat. Dan Huntwork made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council of the final plat of McDonald's Sixth Addition. Seconded by Bob Otte the motion carried unanimously. Planning Commission ® August 21, 1979 Page 5 d) PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION OF PUD BY GARY MILLER - '4 John Miller explained their plan for 40 units of townhouses. The property is presently zoned R2 and is 3.7 acres. Their plan is to build a couple of small apartment buildings and cluster in the townhouses. They will be ranging from $45,000 - $50,000 for the 1100 square feet size and about $70,000- for the 1300-1400 square foot size. All of which will be single family dwellings with zero lot lines. None of the Planning Commission members felt any problems among themselves but felt Mr. Miller should contact surrounding property owners to see how they feel about the matter. After discussion, the members each stated they had no objection so he should persue it further if he chose to do so. e) CONSIDERATION TO REVISE SECTION 6.08 (A) SETTING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 Bob Otte made a motion to recommend to ttie"City"Council-to add -the ® wording, "or delegate such authority to City Staff" to section 6.08 (A) of Zoning Ordinance. No. 464. -Seconded .by Bill Backen, the motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY ROCKITE SILO The request is to add underground fuel storage tanks totaling ap- proximately 40,000 gals. In a I-1 district this use is permitted with a conditional use permit. A variance is also requested to reduce the distance from 200' to 100' from the railroad right-of- way and also to allow 150' from the nearest residence rather than 200'. Elsa Young made the motion to set both hearings for the variances and the conditional use permit for September 18, 1979. Seconded by Dan Huntwork, the motion carried unanimously. g) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY ROCKITE SILO This subject is covered in the above paragraph. h) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR "RAINBOW ADDITION" SUBMITTED BY GIL LEHMAN Copies of the preliminary plat were distributed to each Planning Commission member and will also be given to the utilities and telephone company. Dan Huntwork made a motion to set a public hearing on September 18, 1979. Secondtd by Bob Otte, the motion unanimously carried. Ll Planning Commission August 21, 1979 Page 6 i) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY RANDALL SIMMONS Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, explained the request is to reduce side and rear yard set backs to allow the building of a garage. Due to the change in the policy for the setting of public hearings, Mr. Priebe had made a committment to Mr. Simmons that the hearing would be held in September. Bill Backen made a motion to set a public hearing for Mr. Simmons on September 18, 1979 contingent upon the application is filled out properly and the proper fee paid. Seconded by Bob Otte, the motion unanimously carried. j) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Muriel Felska) Mr. Felska will purchase the property (315 Franklin So.) if a variance is given for him to build a garage. A variance is necessary as the ordinance requires 50' from residential area and also 6' from the lot line for accessory buildings. Also since this building is located in a C-3 zone and been vacant for a period of over six months, a conditional use permit is also required. Dan Huntwork made a motion to set both public hearings for a variance and conditional use permit for September 18, 1979. Seconded by Elsa Young, the motion unanimously carried. Q CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Muriel Felska) This subject is covered in the above paragraph. 1) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT FOR "CLOVERDALE" (HOWARD CHRISTENSEN) Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, distributed a map of the final plat and reviewed it with the Planning Commission members. After a brief discussion, Bob Otte made a motion to recommend ap proval to the City Council of the final plat of Cloverdale. Sec- onded by Bill Backen, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Elden Willard, Building Official, had sent a memo to the Planning Com- mission members inquiring what should be done when residential property in a commercial zone is vacant for six months and then reoccupied. The Commission felt it was up to him, the police chief, and the City Attorney as to how to work out a procedure on this matter. Mr. Jim DeMeyer, a local real estate broker, suggested possibly such homes could be posted with a notice of the regulation. Ir Planning Commission ® August 21, 1979 LJ Page 7 i� At this point, Mr. Huntwork suggested the Planning Commission members get together to discuss among themselves what his role should be as a Planning Commission member and also to see if more planning could be done by the members. After discussion on a date, it was decided to have the Special Workshop on September 5, 1979 at 7:30 at City Hall. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. on motion by Elsa Young and seconded by Bob Otte. The motion carried unanimously. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION ® Tuesday, August 21, 1979 The Special Meeting on the Tax Increment Plan for Districts 1,2, & 3 was called to order by Chairman Christen at 7:00 P.M. with the follow- ing members present: Bill Backen, Dan Huntwork, Bob Otte and Elsa Young in addition to Chairman Christen. Also attending were Administrative Assistant, Gary Plotz and City Engineer, Marlow Priebe. Absent were Don Erickson and Clint Tracy. Mr. Christen turned the meeting over to Consultant Clarence Simonowicz who began by stating the downtown has two projects which are alive and viable: 1. Motel - (Cold Storage location) 2. High Rise He went on to say the Motel project needs the tax increments of the Motel plus the tax increment from proposed construction out in the Industrial Park to make the project feasible, including payment of expenses for the rerouting of the railroad from the motel site to the Industrial Park. He then suggusted a third tax district be developed in the Industrial Park which would include the grain elevator and Hutch Utilities combin- ing it with the two districts in the downtown area for taxes to pay the cost of the rail connection and clean up the hotel site. He went on to explain the budget stating the total cost of the two projects less the sale of the land at $100,000 would be $670,000 for the City. The $89,000 tax revenue per year from the new projects could retire a bond issue over 20 years. The bond still would need to $770,000 to pay the interest for the years no taxes would be coming in. He explained all new tax districts must be received by the City Council, Planning Commission, School Boards and the County Commissioners. The intent is to allow a method of funding the project which otherwise would not of happened. The motel would not happen without tax increment financ- ing. The value of the downtown has not been rising as residential areas have. The whole idea is getting something started to get taxes higher from this area. After much discussion, Mr. Huntwork pointed out the Planning Commission could give a recommendation for the third district but not necessarily the complete package. Mr. Huntwork then made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the establishment of district # 3 as the boundaries are outlined in the tax increment finance plan. Seconded by Elsa Young, the motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 P.M. MINUTES 1980 - BUDGET MEETING - TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Paul Christen with the following members present: Bill Backen, Dan Huntwork, Bob Otte, and Elsa Young in addition to chairman Christen. Also attending were Administrative Assistant Gary Plotz, City Accountant Ken Merrill, and City Engineer Marlow Priebe. Absent were Don Erickson and Clint Tracy. A motion was made by Elsa Young to recommend approval of the proposed 1980 budget to the City Council. Seconded by Dan Huntwork the motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 P.M. 7_A (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — — September 25, 1979 — — — TO: — — Ma and Council or —------————————— — — — — —— FROM: Water Billing Department —---——————————— — — — — SUBJECT: Delinquent Water Accounts — — — — — — — — — 04-0370-0-00 Elaine Soderberg 206 Monroe St. S. $61.31 04-0810-6-00 Charles Flynn *426 Huron St. S. 622 Fifth St. Litchfield, MN 55355 $26.90 11-0145-1-00 Greg Benson *103 Third Ave. N.W. Rt. 2 Cokato, MN 55321 $34.55 11-0470-1-00 Filan Custom Upholstering 214 Fith Ave. N.W. $17.24 11-0160-0-00 Roy Chaffee 715 Main St. N. $30.68 12-1165-0-00 Ronnie Telecky 607 Bluff St. $51.83 12-1396-0-00 Marilyn Schneider 257 Gauger St. $58.34 16-0352-1-00 Robert Marconcini 300 Northwoods Ave. $70.82 16-0560-1-00 Miles Willhite 136 Eleventh Ave. N.E. $80.82 $40.00 Paid 09-18-79 $20.82 Paid 09-24-79 $20.00 Balance Promised to pay 9-28-79 in MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 1979 --------------- To: Hutchinson City V---- it _________________ FROM: _—_Planninn_ Commission ___________________ SUBJECT: Variance - Mike's Mobil -------------------------------- Pursuant to Section 6.05, B.3, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend ation with respect to the aforementioned request for variance. HISTORY On August 8, 1979 an application was submitted by Mike's.Mobile to allow a variance from the required 100' x 100' for a service station to allow an addition to his present building. At the regular meeting on August 21, 1979 a hearing date was set for September 18, 1979. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted with the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979. 3. The Ordinance states this area is exempt from the parking requirements. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the request with the contingency cars parked south of the new wall do not obstruct the sidewalk. Respectfully submitted, Paul Christen, Chr. Hutchinson Planning Commission RESOLUTION NO. 6422 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 6.05, B-3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW ADDITION TO PRESENT BUILDING OF MIKE'S MOBIL ir BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Mike's Mobil has applied for a variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zon- ing Ordinance No. 464 to allow for an addition to the present building located at 105 North Main Street. 2. The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for a variance and has recommended to the City Council that the application be granted. 3. The Council has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic con- ditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the values of property in the surrounding,:area.and�the effect of the proposed variance upon the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals, or in any other aspect be contrary to the intent of the ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply general- ly to other land or structures in the distriet in which such land is located. 6. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoy- ment of a substantial property right of the applicant. It will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. CONCLUSION The application for variance for the purpose designated is granted based upon the findings set forth above, contingent upon cars parked south of the new wall not obstruct- ing the sidewalk. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Cle-` D. J. Black, Mayor MEMORANDUM DATE:— _ _ September 21, 1979 To: Hutchinson City Council _________________ FROM: _ _ _ Planning Commission ; SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit _ Mike's Mobil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pursuant to Section 6.07, C.5, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for conditional use permit: HISTORY On August 8, 1979 an application for a conditional use permit was filed by Mike's Mobil to allow a 20' x 20' addition to a non -conforming building to, the present zoning. At the regularl m�eej9.A the meeting public ugust21, 19h9 a publicng no hearing date was set for September was present to speak against this request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as pub- lished in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979. 3. Since the present building is non -conforming to the present zoning, a conditional use permit is necessary. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted. Respectfully submitted, Paul Christen, Chr. Hutchinson Planning Commission RESOLUTION NO. 6423 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07, C-5 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW ADDITION TO NON -CONFORMING BUILDING AT MIRE'S MOBIL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Mike's Mobil has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07, C-5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow a 20' x 20' addi- tion to a non -conforming building to the present zoning, located at 105 North Main Street, having the following legal description: West 70' of Lot 6, Block 43, North 1/2 City 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area andythe effect of.the uss�.onYthe Com- prehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. - CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted, based upon the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 1979 TO: Hutchinson City Council --------------=----------------- FROM: Planning Commission SUBJECT; Conditional Use Permit - Submitted by Rockite Silo ---------------------------------- Pursuant to Section 6.07, C.5, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson- Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for condition use permit. HISTORY On August 14, 1979 an application for a conditional use permit was filed by Rockite Silo to allow underground fuel storage tanks in a I-1 zone. n At the regular meeting on August 21, 1979 a public hearing date was set ._ for September 18, 1979. At the public hearing no one was present to speak against the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as pub- lished in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979. 3. Since this property is located in a I-1 zone a conditional use permit is necessary. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted. Respectfully granted, Paul Christen, Chr. Hutchinson Planning Commission RESOLUTION NO. 6424 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07, C-5 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANKS IN A I-1 ZONE BY ROCKITE SILO ff BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Rockite Silo has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07, C-5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow underground fuel storage tanks in a I-1 zone, located at 311 Highway 7 East. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Com- prehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed -use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause -serous traffic confestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. r..0WrT.TTST nN The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted, based upon the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Im MEMORAND UM DATE:_ _ _ September 21_,1979 To: _ _ _ Hutchinson City Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FROM: Planniq Commission ___________________ SUBJECT:_ _ _ Variance_ Submitted by Rockite Silo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pursuant to Section 6.05, B.3, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for variance. HISTORY On August 14, 1979 an application was submitted by Rockite Silo to allow underground fuel storage tanks to be located 100' from rail, right of i... way, rather.than required 200' and 150' from nearest residental zone boundary rather than the required 200'. On August 21, 1979 at the regular meeting a public hearing date was set for September 18, 1979. No one was present to speak against the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted with the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979. . 3. Since the Fire Marshal had no objections to the request and stated all plans would be sent to the State Fire Marshal it was the consensus of the Commission the request should be granted. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the requested variances. Respectfully submitted, Paul Christen, Chr. Hutchinson Planning Commi ion RESOLUTION NO. 6425 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 6.05, B-3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANKS TO BE LOCATED 100' FROM RAIL, RIGHT-OF-WAY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Rockite Silo has applied for a variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow underground fuel storage tanks to be located 100' from rail, right-of-way, rather than the required 200' and 150' from nearest residential zone boun- dary rather than the required 200', located at 311 Highway 7 East. 2. The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for a variance and has recommended to the City Council that the application be granted. 3. The Council has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the values of property in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance upon the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals, or in any other aspect be contrary to the intent of the ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which such land is located. 6. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoy- ment of a substantial property right of the applicant. It will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. CONCLUSION The application for variance for the purpose designated is granted based upon the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. ATTEST: D. J. Black, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Clerk ?_ z MEMORANDUM DATE: _ _ _ Seetember201 1979 _ _ To: _ _ _Hutchinson City Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FROM: ___Planning Commission ___________________ SUBJECT: _ _ _ Preliminary Plat submitted by Gilbert Lehman for "Rainbow Addition" Pursuant to Section 3.20 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend-,. ation with request to the aforementioned request for preliminary plat. HISTORY On August 23, 1979 Mr. Gilbert Lehman filed an application for a preliminary plat to be known as "Rainbow Addition" described as lot 6, Block 10, North half city of Hutchinson. At the regular meeting of August 21, 1979 a public hearing date was set for September 18, 1979. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application, plat maps and appropriate fee were submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to surrounding property owners and a public notice was published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979 and Wednesday, September 12, 1979. 3. There being no problems with the preliminary plat as submitted, it was considered for final plat as well. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the requested Preliminary Plat and Final Plat be approved,contingent upon receipt of Parks and Playground contribution based on current payment schedule. .Respectfully submitted; Paul Christen, Chr. Hutchinson Planning Commission RESOLUTION NO. 6426 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR RAINBOW ADDITION it WHEREAS, Mr. Gilbert Lehman of Route 3, Hutchinson, Minnesota, owner and sub- divider of the land proposed to be platted as Rainbow Addition has submitted his ap- plication for approval of preliminary plat of said subdivision in the manner required for platting of land under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regu- lations and requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinance of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plat is situated upon the following described lands in McLeod County, Minnesota, to -wit: Lot 6, Block 10, North 1/2 City of Hutchinson BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said plat of Rainbow -Addition i-s'hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regula- tions of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder for their use as required by M.S.A. 462.358 (3). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such execution of the certification upon said plat by Mayor and City Clerk, as required, shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the subdivider and City officials charged with duties above described and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk M E M O R A N D U M DATE: _ _ _ _ September 21, 1979_ _ TO: Hutchinson City Council — ----------------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Planning Commission —---------------———————————————— SUSJECT: _ _ _ Variance Request _ First National Bank (Muriel Felska) — Pursuant to Section 6.05, B.3, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson ' Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for variance. HISTORY On August 28, 1979 an application was submitted by First National Bank for a variance to allow the construction of a garage located 3' from the lot line rather than the required 6' and also variance from the required 50' from a residential district. At the regular meeting on August 21, 1979 a public hearing date was set for September 18, 1979. No one was present to speak against the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted with the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979. 3. It was the consensus of the Commission members present the request would not present problems to neighboring property owners. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the request for variance(s) as submitted. Respectfully submitted, Paul Christen, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission 9-� RESOLUTION NO. 6427 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 6.05, B-3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF GARAGE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: .FINDINGS 1. First National Bank of Hutchinson has applied for a variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow the construction of a garage located 3' from the lot line rather than the required 6' and also variance from the required 50' from a residential district, for property located at 315 Franklin Street South. 2. The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for a variance and has recommended to the City Council that the application be granted. 3. The Council has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the values of property in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance upon the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, unreasonably in- crease the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals, or in any other aspect be contrary to the intent of the ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are pecu- liar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which such land is located. 6. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and ejoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. It will not merely serve as a conven- ience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. rOM URTON The application for variance for the purpose designated is granted based upon the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. ATTEST: D. J. Black, Mayor Gary D. Plotz City Clerk a M E M O R A N D U M DATE: _ — — — September 21, 1979_ — TO: — — — Hutchinson City—Council — — — — — — — — FROM: — — — —Planning Commission— — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit - Submitted by First National Bank — ---(MLir—iel—Felska)—------------— — — — — — — — Pursuant to Section 6.07, C.5, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby. submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for conditional use permit. I HISTORY On August 28, 1979 an application for a conditional use permit was filed by First National Bank to allow C3 zoned property to be used as residential and also this property has been vacant for a period exceeding six months. At the regular meeting held on August 21, 1979 a public hearing date was set for September 18, 1979. At the public hearing no one was present to speak against this request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, September 7, 1979. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted. Respectfully submitted, Paul Christen, Chr. Hutchinson Planning Commission RESOLUTION NO. 6428 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07, C-5 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW C-3 ZONED PROPERTY TO BE USED AS RESIDENTIAL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. First National Bank of Hutchinson has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07, C-5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow C-5 zoned property to be used as residential; also this property has been vacant for a period exceeding six months; with property located at 315 Franklin Street South, having the following legal description: Lot 9, Block 32, South 1/2 City 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Com- prehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. f'.nWrT.11gT0N The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted, based upon the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of September, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk DATE September, 20, 1979 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chief Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT: Promotion of John Gregor to Sergeant I am requesting that John Gregor's salary start at Grade 5, Step 5, which is the step below the current rate for permanent sergeants and consistant with our past policy. TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: SALARIES - Police Sergeants Sergeants are salaried at Grade 5 with no specified steps in City Pay Plan. Long-term sergeants received a merit increase to Step 6 (from Step 5) in July of this year. In a promotion in March of this year, a new sergeant was placed at Step 4. Police Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, Section 11, reads: "Probationary Period ... All appointments, whether original or promotion, shall terminate automatically at the end of the probationary period unless, during the last month of the appointee's probation, the commission certifies that such probationer performed services that were satisfactory, and that the appointment shall be made final. A candidate for promotion who is rejected during the probationary period shall return to the position formerly held." (Police probationary period is 12 months.) The option exists to request salary increase at end of probationary period. E ` , (612) 873-2371 HUjZ-1411 CITY OF HUTCHINSON r f 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: September 24, 1979 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: LIQUOR STORE CLERK Applications for the position of liquor store clerk have been reviewed by myself, the liquor store manager and the assistant manager. We recommend approval to hire at Grade II, Step 5 Bruce Runke Route 4, Hutchinson Respectfully Submitted, S Copy: Ralph Neumann (612) 879-2311 H�rcy" CITY OF HUTCHINSON t; 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST " HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 1979 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BRUCE ERICSON, Recreation Director SUBJECT: PART-TIME STAFF ADDITIONS I am recommending the following personnel for part-time positions in supervision for recreational activities through the school year. Swimming Mary Erickson, 400 Alan Street (was employed in summer program) Nancy Haggenmiller, 521 Kay Street Gynmastics Nancy Pellinen, 450 Glen St. No. Jolene Dahle, 36 Selchow There are funds budgeted for these programs. Copy: Personnel Coordinator $3.30 per hour 3.20 3.20 3.20 (612) 879-2311 HUrIH' CITY OF HUTCHIN SON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 24, 1979 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR d RE: CIVIC ARENA SEASONAL EMPLOYEE The Civic Arena needs additional help for the beginning of ice season. It appears there will not be enough Work -Study help available for all needs this year. Therefore, we request the transfer of an employee who had been assigned as a temporary summer helper in the water department. This would be for the months October through March, and there are funds budgeted by the Civic Arena for this. Robert Riebe - 596 Franklin $3.25/hr. Copy: R. Neumann 9 =� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING September 25, 1979 GENERAL FUND Anderson River Valley Tree Contractors $ tree & stump removal 2281.38 Doug Meier safety glasses 55.00 'Don Kenning land use permit -airport 7.50 Ed Ondrachek safety glasses 9.00 Barco Products Inc. gloves -street 58.94 Doby Inc. street material -street 667.95 Key City Sports belts & flags -rec. 45.95 Sava Tree injector heads -elm 153.90 Vermer Sales & Service equipment rental -elm 510.00 Wall Street Journal subscription 55.00 Steve Cook start truck 9.00 Henry Broten relocation claim 50.00 Sam & Barbara Flom relocation claim 50.00 Mark Schnobrick safety glasses 20.00 Curt Paulsen safety glasses 20.00 Cliff Paulsen safety glasses 20.00 Floyd Groehler safety glasses 20.00 Wendell Mathews safety glaases 20.00 Mun. Funding Corporation radio console -police 12,400.00 Automatic Voting Machines supplies -election 27.15 D.J.Black mileage 12.80 Ben Meadows Co. supplies -elm 115.49 Copy Equipment Inc. supplies-eng. 29.40 Co.Treasurer dl fees for county -motor veh. 101.50 Culligan Water Cond. rental -elm 140.80 Division of Boiler Insp. boiler license renewals -street 18.00 Dostal & Oleson aviation gas -airport 6100.00 Gambles supplies 145.29 Gopher Sign Co. supplies-signs0street 66.46 G.F.Nemitz Sons point -armory 3.25 George Field safety shoes 20.00 Ind. SchoolDist. 423 overpayment of ins. 172.42 Jerrys Tire Co. tires-park,street 1100.00 MRPA reg. fees & entry fees-rec. 99.00 MacQueen Equipment Co. supplies -street 281.43 McLeod Coop Power Assn. underground wiring -airport 1108.50 Fitney Bowes postage meter rental 40.50 The Patco Co. chains etc. -street 312.87 Raske Bldg. Systems Inc. repairs -airport 3370.00 State Treasurer PERA conttibution 2649.77 State Treasurer airport license -airport 5.00 Treinen Buschel Inc. repairs=street-park 28.00 United Bldg. Center supplies -park 11.09 Xerox Corporation maint. agreement 170.24 Elden Willard mileage 34.80 Bonds of 1978 assessment -Lot 6, Blk 15 Sk 97.57 Bonds of 1977 assessment -Lot 6. Blk 15 Sk 1575.88 Bonds of 1976 assessment -Lot 6, Blk 15, Sk 1025.64 it Lot 7, Blk 15 Sk 1025.64 it Lot 1,Blk 15 Sk 2051.28 to Lots 9 & 10, Blk 15 Sk 2373.93 Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. vehicle ins. -transit 2868.00 Citizens Bank sign permit refund 29.90 $ 43,665.22 // _ a , WATER & SEWER FUND Feed Rite Controls Inc. Gamble Store Ind. Supply Co. Inc. 'Finley Mix Mn.Valley Testing State Treasurer Richard Nagy Clyde Drahos Richard Ebert Emery Air Freight RCM Associates BONDS OF 1978 Kenneth Kohler Kenneth Wichterman OFF STREET PARKING Charles Bell MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE FUND Northland Beverages Ed Phillips & Sons Griggs Cooper & Co. Old Peoria Co. Twin City Wine Co.t Old Peoria Co. ` Old Peoria Co. City of Hutchinson -general Ed Phillips & Sons Griggs Cooper & Co. Twin City Wine Co. Sprengler Trucking Hutchinson Utilities City of Hutchinson -general Commissioner of Revenue Old Peoria Co. Ed Phillips & Sons Griggs Cooper & Co. Twin City Wine Co. fund fund supplies $227.62 supplies 4.69 bearings 30.19 safety glasses 71.50 water & sewage testing 122.00 PERA contribution 207.38 safety glasses & water school 38.70 safety glasses 34.50 safety glasses 20.00 freight charges 15.99 facilities plant services 7732.55 freight charges $ 8505.12 overpayment of assessment Roll 74 $ 1.96 overpayment of assessment Roll 70 28.82 $ 30.78 service meters $150.00 Sept. 25, 1979 mix $ 213.00 liquor & wine 3618.45 liquor & wine 2444.83 liquor 1244.22 wine 967.26 liquor 126.91 liquor & wine 1231.03 transfer of funds 10,000.00 liquor & wine 2616.35 liquor & wine 3545.44 wine 125.64 freight charges 323.60 aug. electrical 527.86 Sept. payroll 5828.18 sales taxes for August 3316.36 liquor & wine 1024.49 liquor & wine 1198.47 liquor 1896.25 wine 505.38 $40,753.72 9 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Hutchinson City Council City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Council Members: September 12, 1979�1�9,�0111����s, 6� 11 SEP 1979 00 N eY� j�FU o 9Z At the regular meeting of the Board of Education on September 11, 1979, direction was given to the administration to implement the fire alarm system for which a variance request was given approval at a recent city council meeting. I have instructed our business manager to contact the tele- phone company and to obtain quotations from a reputable firm which can supply us with the necessary equipment to see that proper hookup is made with the city facility. We are not certain whether this equipment will be installed by October 1, but we believe that the spirit of your directive is being met. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact my office. EDB:bn cc: George Field Brian Buchmayer CENTRAL DISTRICT SERVICES 30 Glen Street North Phone 16121587-2860 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Roberts Road Phone 16121$87.2151 Sincerely, i E. Dale Birkeland Superintendent of Schools AREA VOCATIONAL -TECHNICAL INSTITU'T'E 200 Century Avenue Phone 16121879-2321 CROW RIVER COOPERATIVE CENTER 980 2nd Avenue Southeast Phone 16121879-2338 EQUAL. OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Roberts Road Phone(6121587-2M J ELEMENTARYSCHOOL 100 Glen Street Phone 16121587-2837 a (512) 879-2311 rHUlLWil CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION September 18, 1979 Mayor Black and Council Members City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Honorable Mayor and Council Members, We the building committee representing the Fire Department, do at this time ask for a three month delay (third Tuesday of February) of the Fire Station, Police Station referendum. We feel this must be accomplished in order to let our referendum and the School Bond issue each stand on their own merit. The Fire Depart- ment will undoubtly be blamed if the School bond fails due to the con- flict of the two! Thank You! cc: Mr. Dean O'Borsky Lloyd Schlueter Sincerely, Mr. Brad Emans Chr. Bldg. Comm. To the Editors FOR YOUR INFORMATION Being Quite concerned about hoe co77Q of our Pegion 6S noft Jobs prorr;rama are being naintainod in our arca, some of our people asked ©evvrsl questions of our Ragfon and 3os4t Directors abont why, � organization is supporting a $230!nOO Government grant for the Nutrition Deals in this areaq using a pass tho hat service,vhen our people have access to far batter eating places that are paying to help support our Government,ana the politicians good retirement ponsion,vith a little sprinkling of coney left for Uncle Sam's HMO In comparison the Meals on Mheels program for shut-ins and disabled people are required to furnish qualification and a price is charged to them that is aimed at being a self supporting sot-up.To date our Directors have aide -stepped any information an to -jI,%y the Beals on Wheele people or the restaurant people are required to help finance the Nutrition set-up. Among othorc,the issues involved here coeurs to be in bud tante by people Haat have ocrved a long litotime of humble and honorable duty to thbir Government and Country. In 1775 our Colonists had a Boston Tea Party against taxation without represcntration and a nes Nation vas born. Perhaps we should have another party? COPY to FIVtchincon city C^uuncil. SEP. 18 1979 date RA i N TDA TOLTZ, KING, DUVALL ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED M E M O R A N D U M To: Hutchinson Airport Commission and City Council MnDOT Division of Aeronautics Copies To: Mr. Gary Plotz, Admin. Asst. F r om: Mr . Westly J. Hendrickson FOR YOUR INFORMATION Date : 14 September 1979 Reference' Hutchinson Airport Study Progress Meeting No. 14 September 1),,, 1979, 7:30 P.m. COMMISSION NO. 6558 ATTENDANCE: Doug McGraw, Chairman, Airport Commission Randy Buboltz, Airport Commission Doug Hedin, Airport Commission Jim Weckman, Airport Mechanic Hazel Seitz, City Staff Westly J. Hendrickson, TKDA BASIS FOR DISCUSSION: Foreword to Study Report Letter regarding airport related industrial development DISCUSSION: 1. The Airport Commission reviewed the proposed foreword to the Airport Study Report and left the decision concerning its use to Gary Plotz. (On September 13, 1979, Gary Plotz gave his approval to print the airport study with the proposed foreword.) Based on Luis decidiva, a supplomcniLary AirpurL Layout Plun (ALP) report will be prepared describing the single runway report. See item 2 concerning an agreement to cover the additional work. Memorandum September 14, 1979 Page Two 2. A supplementary agreement between the city and TKDA con- cerning work in connection with revising the ALP was discussed. The Airport Commission concurred with the need to proceed with the work which will include revised cost estimates. (On September 13, 1979, Gary Plotz requested that TKDA send the city a supplementary agreement for approval and to assist with the grant application. 3. It was noted that the airport zoning procedure will have to start from the beginning and will involve two public hearings according to new MnDOT-Division of Aeronautics guidelines. Zoning ordinance and plan changes are also covered by the supplementary agreement. 4. The Airport Commission requested that an airplane wash plat- form, holding tank, etc. be shown on the ALP. This is necessary to accommodate aerial spraying operations that may use the airport. Revision to the terminal area plan will be necessary. 5. The use of airport property by private industrial and/or commer- cial users was discussed. It was noted that the specific location of the identified business does not appear to have any effect on future airport development. Please let me know of any additions or corrections that should be made to the memorandum. WJH kas Minnesota State Planning Agenc 101 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone t1-- CERTIFICATE r CERTIFICATE OF FILING �,�N5161718 *19 - �C p 1979 N w A B, ti This is to certify that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1979, Chapter 322, Section 4, a copy of the: QTax Increment Financing Plan Tax Increment Financing Plan Modification Annual Disclosure Statement from the City of Hutchinson, Mn. was received and filed by the Minnesota State Planning Agency, Office of Local and Urban Affairs on September 14,_1979" " &VX.,t- (2.E -)— Signature Of AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER