03-12-1959 PCM c.44
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•tea O •u•t.a • n
..M Nrt �..• r.
flutekinsaa P1 4
b[ a r c]¢
7:30 p
Mom'bory pros"t- Torgrfanson. Cosmo
Mr. Robert sad Nod Reams were pro
Tk&rw foaowed a diecusdae of tate fes
area, the property just to t1.o hOAk <
1tAaia Street.
1. Rnsidcr.tia: area wcald keep Metter
the r'vvr for asethetic p4rpopes.
2. Except for careful aani-W of •Lls area Ihr:t .s A pose
bectai-ing a "odf* podge of undes+-rnoir I r^i�.re
3. kjtWrseon vas •irtle R- R. rigst of aav •c alt: • Lts:�.► +r r'.
have aha�.;d be avai:able for Vus:moss purpose.
4. presence of tke -1t. ]. t•+d ma,lot ktiswO in tk.e claw proximity m
for fslrly aadeaimble roddmatia; :oc&Uoam. The residential area r•
Probably become mos down to a groat degree hefc-re tkore was
S. D nculty of jetting sewer in some of the low a real fti rthw r di
ry •Ids mtW r row►th.
6. we should enceerage residential developerneat it the proposed
area Vast of Hatrbdsaon. Tke .ack of aAf presort fac'."t3es for
sewers. a -.d adequete road sfsteses maxe this diff_icul at Lbe Frere
Presence of the buffer Park arca ►:ext to A* rive- prose -.yes the r
for the general public and should be preserved V ;11 13 acmak
chit, t1,* sstabUSxmerst of a comme rcis: .--r iLietI-' a: zo. t `o r
this area would `save !ass offo.a tr. destrar'.nj tee sesihe", properti
of tbs river. o,
At &is polar the gtearn's brothers suc+ bA ro. %,ee Ste arT s were
fir mooting.
Tigre followed a diacuradsrs of towwship aoninb wttx to
K&sbaa Yalloy, sad Acwmi t9waahips. H.as►saA ra::e) and A�ama` t.cr•ns
reeoivsd the ■eceatrary 70 per colt aMrmatire vote to tr.e:: recent eie�
So dlow moria;. Lyrnt townsikiP did snot receive a 7t` per, cent affIrmst're
bo 4ke Attortey Geral Us boas asked for an opAXIor on s :ec1►aica_:it
as lbw which "*We to Pe rmat tko m to a one in dist ri ct r wiw z for •Ow -