01-16-1961 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING 0011MI 3ION Minu to s January 16, 1961 The rF FzLl :r meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Oorrmrission was held on Monday, January 16, 1961, at 7:30 P.M., in ttp City Hall. Present were Dr. Bretzke, Comer, Dr, A. J. ThomT)son, Torgrimson, Mrs. Stearns, Engrwall, Powers, and "otrnan. 'line miaut' s of the m,Ptinr of December 19, 196), were read and corrected as follows: Next to 1;.at line of motion of Comer, rocormending- a - :rovol of Southview Addition shoald re: -c: %. _*..Luid that Lot !�, Block 3 be recorded as deeded to the City." There being no further corrections or additions, tip minutes were anproved. IDT "G" - Jack Y,�)kers :lresented the revised preliminary plat of Lot "G" ._ ... together with the engineer's ronort. Torgrimson moved that the Plan:diu? Com- mission re6o.7ae:td .•ovn_l o.f. +}. r^vi_r;-d nl.at. Dr. Thompson seconded. Ap- proved. This nl-.t, however, raised two questions: 1. Should an e)cieting residence in a proposed subdivision be ex- cluded from ;payment of the .ssessment for parks and playgrounds? 2. Should indnstrial nronerty be excluded from the assessment for -arks and rlaycroun,is? The secretary was -is ed to obtain iiiformation or policies concerning park requirements for inrnistrial property. Tre secretary was-.uthorizPd to sign the final plats of Lot "C," and Southview Addition on behalf of the Planning Commission by resolution of Comer, seconded by `'orgrims.;n. Approved. The next order of b•:siness was discussion of the Proposed Zoning; Ordinance. All agreed a )rim<:.ry str^ must be the bringing up-to-date of the Hawks' Pr.-:; ,used Zoninf- i!a,) wdch is dated 1957. Policy cue. -tions on uh: Zoning Ordinance were solicited, and all seemed to resolve in being; aonects of the three policy questions submitted by the Zoning Cormu twee in ,heir report, Febr-i-_ry, 1960. ---------- 1. W11%t is the intelligent thiTV to do regarding off-str-et )arking- in the business area? 2. What should be the : olic�,r regarding annexation of surrounding territory? 3. Is it beticr to rry to outline in great detail a zoning ordin- ance, sub -division reguul tiont, etc., or butter t,o adopt some clearly stated :.olicies and hire a thoroughly qualified capable manager to carry out thes, .olicies and be res onsible to the City Council? (Question No. 1 is Pres ntly being considered by a crmmittee of the Civic and Commerce, he,:ded by Charles rarlson.) (Question No. 2 seems to indicate the necessity of a joint meeting with the townshin boards to co-ordinate zoning ,olicies and ensure co-operation. They should be informed on t,' -.e nerimeter nlanning contained in the- Compre-hensive Plan. i Planning Commission Minutes 2 January 16, 3961 The secretary was instructed to write to Mayor Burich concerning the aprointment of a council member to succeed Glen Engwall as the Council's representative on the Planniiv, Coraussion. The Planning Commission also' reqs ested a comm unic-tion to the members of City Council, asking their views on the Pr'>rosed Zoning prdina:,ce, using the policy quest9.ons enumerated on nape one o_' then. Minut- ;. The date of the next Planning Commission rieetinr oaas set for Tuesday, February 21, a day later '-.han usual.. Resrectfully submitted, C � Ll L 1L.n EthnP Stearns, Secretary .. .. _ . , _ _ • u,,M �►���•s'r+.fArOoitt/�%•�W�iN1rL�yy 11. MLS '+��:►i,' 4t.. •.rF MMCHINSOTI PLANP'.'ING COM"ZSSION _ Minutes January 16, 1961 The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held on Monday, January 16, 1961, at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall. Present were Dr. Bretzke, Comer, Dr. A. J. Thor:pson, Torgrimson, Mrs. Stearns, Eng -wall, Powers, and Notman. The minutes of the meeting of December 19, 196(`, were read and corrected as follows: Next to last line of motion of Coarser, recommending approval of Southview Addition s arld retic: ";,,..and that Lot 4y Block 3 be recorded as deeded to the City." There being no further corrections or additions, the minutes were approved. IDT "G't - Jack Powers presented the revised oreliminary plat of Lot "G" together with the engineerts report. Torgrimsorn moved that the Planning Com- mi--sion recommend a-2proval of the revised plat. Dr. Thomeson seconded. Ap- proved. This plat, however, raised two questions: 1. Should an existing residence in a proposed subdivision be ex- cluded fraaa payment of the assessment for n_ arks and rlaygrounds? 2. Should industria;. property be excl,ided from the assessment for parka and playgrounds? The secretary wa asked to obtain information on ?»licies concerning park requirements for industrial property. The secretary was authorized to si--n the final ola.ts of Lot "G" and Southview Addition on behalf of the Plan^inp Commission by resolution of Corer, second(�d by Torgri.mson. A4 -proved. The next order of business was discussion of the Proncsed Zoning Ordinance. All agreed a primary sten: must be the bringing ur)-to-date of the Hawks' Proposed Zoning Nap, vhich is dated 1957. Policy questions on the Zoning Ordinance were solicited, and all seemed to resolve in being aspects of the three policy ouestions submitted by the Zoning Commit•':ee in their report, Febniarv, 196•j. 1. What is the intelligent thing to do regarding off-street parking in the business ares? 2. What should be the ,•olicy regarding annexation of surrounding C^^LLr_j terii tory? 3. Is it better to try to outline in great detail a zoning ordin- ance., sub-uivision regulL:ti-ns, etc., or b�V er to adopt some clearly stated ;;olicies and hire a thoroughly qualified capable manager to carry out these O-Aicies and be res onsible to the City Council? (:question No. 1 is prey ,ntly being cnnsidered by a committee of the Civic and Commerce., headed by Charles Carlson.) Question N.). 2 mems to indicate the necessity of a joint meeting with the towiist ip boards to co-ordinate zona ng policies andensure co-oneration. They s'iould be informed on the nerimbter planning contained in the Compre- hensive Plan. ?I -.IMP : ('�i.?ri1 31;..11 :41'! 2 oanuwry 1)6!_ The secretary wac, instructea to car ito. to T4a;r or Sur ich c.mcejrnirg the a -1; :ointment of a council izember to succeed Glen Fnguall as the Council Is rep~esentaAve on the Planning Corrmissinn. The Planning Commission also req ested a comm mic^tion to the m-mb.,r:,• of City Council, asking their views on the Pr,,, -posed Zoning ordirL,Dce, asi:lE; the policy gaestions enumerated on page one o these minut s. The date of the next Planning Corenission meeting was set for '"uesd -y, February 21, a day later than usual. Reanect£ully submitted, Ethne Stearns, Secretary To City Council Members: Please note the �olicy questions relating u,o the -)ro- -sed. Zoning Ordinance which are listed neer the bottom of there i•tii'utes. The Planning Commission would like a rer-ort of the cr'u, cil fi,-�mbersf r thinking on these. c; L t