07-09-1958 PCAR cFrom: Planning Commission City of Hutchinson, V inne sota To: City Council City of Hutchinson, 1, innesota Subject: Annual Report Organizational meeting July 9, 1958. Regular meetings are scheduled monthly, on the third Wonday at 7:30 p.m. in the Fireman's Room of the City Hall. July and August were spent in the study of a new Subdivision Regulation Ordinance %%hich was submitted to the Council on August 22, 1958, and subsequently passed as an ordinance by that body. Subsequently, the following subdivisions were duly studied by the Corr - mission and recommendations were made to the City Council: 1. Hillcrest second addition 2. Nyberg's third addition 3. Selchow - Jorgenson 4. Nyberg's fourth addition 5. M- aller's addition A recommendation was made to the Charter Commission that the city establish a joint Park -recreation Con.r. ission. Recommendations have been made to the Council regarding requests for non-conformin�perrr,its or zoning changes for Darrell Goede, The Pure Oil Corr,pany, tearn's Um-iber Company, Bethany Baptist Church, and Robert S chwarze and V- i lbe rt Kottke . The regular meetings of the Commission and numerous special n_ eetings since January have been largely taken up with the study of a new zoning ordinance for the city of Hutchinson. In addition, there have been several joint meetings with members of adjoining town boards to assist them to establish coning ordinances in their respective townships and to assure, where possible, some co-ordinated planning between the City and the imrrediately adjoining townships. It is expected that a new zoning ordinance -rill be ready for submission to the Council before September 1959. The Commission has also net N%ith the county engineer and our local county comrr.issioner, Nr. C. Albrecht, to discuss the need for intergrated city and county road planning within the city of Hutchinson. Page • 2 - The Traffic, Parking and Major Street Plan; Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Plan, and the Land Use Plan and Comprehensive Plans have not yet been received from Carl L. Gardner and Associates. Originally scheduled for completion by December 1958, an extension was granted until Iv,arch 10, 1959, but these reports have still not been received. It is the intent of the Planning Commission to delay any specific recomir:endations to the Council on these subjects until after receipt and study of the plans yet to be submitted by the City Planners. In addition it is the intent of the Planning Comn ission to delay any recommendations in a capital improvement program (as called for in section 4.8 of Ordinance #208, City of Hutchinson) until after receipt and study of the above mentioned plans. Respectfully submitted, Carl O. Bretzke, Chairman N elvin Hegdahl, Secretary