Al nutes
October 18, 1999
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held Mondoy
evening, October 18, 8919, at 700 P.M. at the City Hall. The following masnbers
were present: Bretako, Stearns, Thompson, Torgrimson, Hegdal and Powertg
absent, Comer and Hoego
Minutes of the Septeft er 21 meeting were formally approved.
The final plat for Peterson's Sub -division, which had been previously approved
vim telephone, was confirmed.
It was agreed the secretary should forward letters to the School Board, City
Council, Park and Recreation Boards, Utilities Commission, J.Ceas, Civic and
Cotmm rce Association, County Commissioners and Hutchinson Foundation re que at i np
their respective capital Improvement plans for the next five years.
After as discussion regarding a City Traai ler Court Ordinance, Or. Thompson was
assigned to make as prcllminery study of the subject.
Are Powers submitted a letter from Mr. Le Merri l I expressing his solicited
viers regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Mr. He Baal alsm gavel an oral
report of Elmer Lee's impression of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Aftfr
considercble d3scussion,, it was agreed the Comer-Hegdel Committee should continue
?heir study and report their recommendations to the Planning Commission. The
me rrbers were asked to notify the committee of any citizens whom they contact
who espy be annx ioug or willing to dive constructive criticism to the proposed
The meeting formal Cy adjournedo
Me C. Hogdar