08-18-1958 PCM ctiU CHIN" PLAI M 1NG COMA 1 SS 1 JN
of [nuts*
Augast ISS "P
A r guisr "oting of the Mutchiman nlomIng Comwi*sion wets hold In the
City Nail at 7#00 Pwle aondey, AI"t # ,t l4. The following >moo rn
were PI anti Or. C. "talwo D. Cr~, 1f, Hegdei, R. wael, Or* A. J.
Thompson. L. Torgr imaan, X10" I. lour i C,h also attended the neat Ing.
The inset Ing was cal lard to ordw by vice, Choi raven, pr. C. BrOtsko# 7�0
minutes of the July 31 mwtin+g were r�,Xvvad as suboittsd.
The punt i t i on of tlisri o l A. Goods fou` a inerea i t wee prsaanta&
A f ter **m i derrble d i *cuss I on& the fb t lar Ing curt i vn Wo nedeir by Mr. Cover,
seconded by Or, Noel, and crier iiaaws ly carried* The cutch i nson Planning
Comm i s* i on mods tun the► City Cournc l l that #his Petition should be
tabled uwt 3 t such 0440 as as the City Naming awning Enp t flew a have wAmI t tod the i r
nrew N�evndat i sins.
After a long dise¢uaaien rowdithe Cityr+s acting as the contraati�
o"nt for Construction veep, haled f r dpi r jnq water and sewage �d i spa 8 ,
a snot ton was Mods by two Caeee+r, erses farrrendsd by Dr. Thovpoun, or+d unenl-
MOuS ly C rr i ad that Sect tar+ 1 it be std t o read as to I low i
Wer Supplyo ss- sge disposal and, It rape ired, stems sweers
shell be paid for by the subdivider and shad ba aormgttructod
In sftard nae, with the plour and Spat i f Icst lacus ttnsrw#or as
Prepared by the Subd iv i dere1 s EMInear and approved by the
City Engineer. The City Engineer shot be advised of each
step as O"truCtian progresses and hf shat i +alae such in-
SPOCt torr ars her doom +awwsseary before the contractor mevy
proceed with the varlet s tap.
dam► Sonatdsrsbten dleguestan, a "O*tian wsa wads by Or. Cmar, was seconded
w 00re Neal And uOUN I MOUS l y carried that tine fa l I are i nc; sec t i ,n (11 Aac) to
*Aft 0
�tr+eets must be graded of material to mace ape cif test ions whk* we
at+prrrved by t h* City Eng i weer and rvh i ch are ad %uste for trer•+srwnt sou' #sc i ng.
"d". Aai7i'? u i I I arrange for gett i n4 rear ;*cud ed i t i *M Jf th* Subdivision
" : l of i-5+es to t•►e tiv/rh i nsovt 731 an •, I n ; Co" t 66 i err *er bars and will Call
a special -senting *herby tharsaf ter for their #t net eporove l ,
M 1 wafts 41- Avou st 110 1995
04YOr eWlCh prwant*d s COPY Of the S*WVI Swsr Alpelysis to each
vemb w MW am 1s i nod br i of 1 y the thrwr p#ane madw caom t darit I on.
It paso tb le, or. Ow 1Ch wilt arrange, to twm mr. it m ')JUM of .lur*n
*rod * d t says th i • ar,itii,jorct s i th the 4wtah t rrso" P lana i rV Comm Ise t oft
on his next vlstt*
The *W i ng famal ly adjourned.
1.0 C. 14"da 1
Seam tart'
A rr,..br Rew 'rig a, �` 'w R• �! O wes ',w n
mer! **&' I� rlr.. ,.tkE 'fro, v., • lr, •!r q ,
I'• 'M!+ rfr ea at I& rL .r de V C1 - :'T►' 7r ffNr•e f
-,�... •I^�.�*S r{ tt• _UIQ i� •.•e• - » • •':. `" � aE ���'.,irrf�-
rh* ptfitlor n• Dorr*1 Y. oede a rv' ^fcqv 7r 4e'teoP
Att+r :onsiCer'e`le a 6-.,6. gin„ r iC+; (.^w ; n.;,• was swat ' , M`• .ower,
sw.CAtq� by M o 40*1, en0 J.Nsr'No•'sl, -*r *df 'no rs( b
Com- sb lon re`-'CTmtraa to •. • 1 r Girt i `b1 f'. s R• r or sr 7...: `! 4.
tot ie1 anti i tlrlle e• •'! �'"v t'iafirl t -^y ^!e'! 'b�'t 1.: ► '►^ ►re r
reco' T.*ndot i onr.
After a long ' s^usslor ro •rcir.9 the Cit. i *G,;^0 as •h* ,^r�r*''•
eq&rf for COr,ttr.,:tlo•1 rel '*r' n s'.Dr(�t water arc **Nape
a mot ^n was mC�lt DN Nr. "err VpS Sa or :jlr' .'.'y Dr, Tt"C rr'�or u %I,! J1,9
Rm',1Cy _Kris, —at Seets , bt emof co- t:-. roar eIN fe.lcwvr
10,er sort , s*rrace G_-801 *fill., f rr;�'r.�, srr. T. ♦e.rtrs
C for t v SvSd 1 :pr ano sr,e c 7*
Yr' aCc4rea v w*th 1^- 4 -rb *nd scar 4-:9110-9 /hereljr *s
ireparea C. t -e Sura s E -ser a, --
, -y Enpir•e•. The : 'v Engir*er sn*iI o* ej,io*c _• Nch
s'*p s• cons,r Kflor arm osa*& are he are t sekt �,.�.► I^
sp*ctit+n as re deems rod*ssary D*fcre 'h* contrectcr may
proc*ed wit,- 'he rext s'ep.
After considers-,:* dis:us&'.cr. s mot cm was mad* by Ar. Comer, was secordei
by Or. Ebel Ord Jnan'mously *rrisC /not Me Foilowing sKticn (11 A2C) be
add�e ra
Streets must : e graded o/ sater el to *set spec-, • eat loons sir : c' are
approved by Iho ri h Engineer rd wh are sd*qu*ts for per•ar*fit
Ar. Popf wi 1 I *r , s go fcr ',et' „ rev sec *di t Ions - the Subeiv' 4 c
e specel Tstt'n�, .`rXtly eh*re-st*r tont �h*ir r rs! scerov*:.
� f
N11N. 1%40t
L Mayor 9urith pr
member and exa+*roma briefly the thr" plans under ceosit
If possible, .*,. 8urich will errenge to have Mr. Am C,soy. of .uron
and #00* disc as this auljwct with the Hutch r 's ming Comm'ss
`r on his nOx•
The Beet i nq for sl ly ed ;ou'"nedo
Ix. C . Msgde I
Stre tory