07-31-1958 PCM cHUTCH i NSON PLANN 1 NG CO" i SS i ON
inn l y 31. 1958
The Hutchinson Planning Cor" ission met in special session at the Hotel
Jorgenson at twelve neon, Thursday, July 31, MS- Present were Dr.
C. Bretlke, Or. A. is Thompson, Messrs. 0. Comer, F. Hoes, 0. Hegdal,
Mayor Burichs end Mr, Bolter# City Engineer. Absent were Mr,. N. Popp
and L. Torgrimson.
The meeting was +co i l ad to order by Vice -Chairman, Dr. C. br*trko. The
minutes of the duly 24th meeting were approved. The revised copies of
the Sub -division Regu l a t ions war* provided each womber.
Each of Me proposed omissions, additions, and changes in the Sub -Division
Regu l at i ons was exn I s in ed by Mr, Bolter and discussed,
When discussing the Chanq*s In Section 6 C, 3 and 4, Mr. Comer role" a
question regarding the intent and also the advissbtlity of the City's
acting as the contreeting agent (ase Section 11 C) for any construction
Involved in providing for Installation of water supply, sewage disposal,
or atom **wars. Or. Bolter explained this had offered the advantage
for the City in maintaining control and also eliminated the noce,"ity
for the subdivider to provid* and pay the cost of another engineer.
A f ter axes i derab I e discuss ion on this subject, the Parra int ing changes
were reviewed.
After the regulation Changes had been rev iewod, It was agreed formal
action would be postponed until the next regular meeting. Mayor Burich
would be asked to attend to determine whether the City wishes to act as
the cant ract i ng agent and assume add i t i an a i I i ab i l i t i es which may exist.
For the n'xt meeting, Messrs. Cooler and Papp were asked to ask* their
+recce twwat ions regarding making permanent street surfaces a requirement.
The petition of Darrell 9. Goode pr*santed by Mayor burich me tabled
untiI the n*xt moot Ing and assigned to C. Brstzke and M. Piegdol for study.
The meeting formally adjourned.
ffi. C. H da i
• Ju I r 31,
The Hutchinson Harming commission mat in spacial session at the Hotel
Jorgenson at twelve noon, Thursday, July 31. 1958. Present.were Or.
C. Bratiks, Dr. A. J. Thompson, Messrs. 0. Comer, F. Hoof, Me Hegdsl,
Mayor Bur idh, and Ar. Bohai', City Engineer. Absent rare Air. N. Popp
and 1. Torgrimson.
The meet i s! was called to order by V 1 ce-Chai rstan . or. C. Bretske. Tho
s l autos of the July 24th meeting. were approved.' The rev teed copies of
the Sub -division RaQu 1 s t i ins war o prov 1 odd each mimber.
Each of the proposed omles+ons, additions. and changes in tie Sk,b_Olvision
RoWletiaus wee explained by Mr. Bolter and discussed.
' Whom discuss i ng the changes i n Sac. t i on b C, 3 and 4. Mr. Cower re i sed a
question regarding the intent and oleo the advisability of the City's
acting **.the contra%ting agent (see Section 11 C) for any construction
involved 4n pruvioing for installetion of water supply, emec#o disposal,
or -storm hewers. Air. Bolter explained this had offered the advantage
for tt+a City in saintetning c rvWl•ond also elipinated the necessity
for the "b -C l v l der t4 provide and pay the cost of another engineer.
After oons 1 dost 1 e d i Ness ion on this subject, the roma le ing Changes
were rev towed.
After the repletion changes had been review". It was agreed formal
action would be postponed until the nowt regular meeting. Mayor Surich
would be asked to attend to determine whether the City wishes to Oct ass
the contrasting agent Md asauale additional Ilabilitles which say exist.
For the next meeting. A4ssrs. Comer and Popo ware asked to mei a their
r'eeommendst ions regarding mak 1 ng permanent st rest surfaces a requirement.
The Petition of Darrel) M. Ioeda presented by Mayor Burict+ As tabled
unt i 1 the mo rt meet inq and assigned to C. Bret:ke and M. Negdel for study.
• The meeting formally adjourned.
1 CrtNegdel