07-24-1958 PCM cRJTCHINSON PLANMING Ur,"ISSWN Minutes July 24, 1958 A special meeting ,-if the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held at the Jorgenson Hotel )n Ji-ily 2 , 191�`�, at 1200 noon. H. Pop:), D. Comer, . I or. A. J. Thoript;:n, F. Hoel, L. Torgri-son, Dr. C. "-retzke, and Kr. f oltt­r, City Engineer, wc,re present. Dr. bretzi-,e was a,,pointed acting secretary. The chairman reported that the special meeting was called at the request of Mayor burich to (�ive further and possibly final study to the sub -division reisiultti-)ns. r-ftt:r dlsc,�.;-ssion, tie s rilssion agreed on the foll 1. The subdivider should grade the area to be subdiv,dic_(; so as to ;'� 'de adequate drainage, 2* The vi;l-div i dpr is to construct streets accordir, 'to grades pro- vided by f,:It-,l ngin*tr, and the subdivider shell gravel such streett -.)v(,r the traveled area, construction of storm sewers is n*:)f rc: _:ired, but some form of dreinago by ditches or culverts must pr provided. 4. The CltN Council may order the construction of curb and' 0 pi t t r when seventy -flue percent of the area Is developed. 5- Water and Sewer extensions shouW he constructed according to plans and specifications provided by the City. At least a two block area of water and sewer main extensions should be required of the subdivider if the sul)divisian is of five acres or more. 6# Adequate parks and playgrounds should be prow idod by the s ub- divider or by the City. D. Comer requested a complete revised copy of Subdivision Regulations. The Cr)rmlssion reoliested that Mr. B,.)Jter PrO the Chairman prepare such a copy and present thi- revised reg,11lati-)ns for final study lay the Com- mlssian before August first, The meetinn was adjourned.