08-22-1958 PCM cThe Mrrr►d+tmom k'#or►"bw Coqu►Irwokm get in w eat*$ arsstien st me Jwvdwwn 40tel at ft waren Fir' -day, &g+et meR' 1996 Ted ortiov No ao$ god for the p+ "W" of fins# 1 a# r j1 Subd a ten ftrillettainso +he #04#00101 ,ember* aro" proaMt $ C. eretshea 0, N' om * f, ate# o ,, Qr, and ►, Torpr1 ammo **jor 1, t w l4j% oke at I O WWrl "im wrret kq• AMW oawr#ds ' So wer+nr 11esuatwn aw *at &** # t r. of $60 atbd'fwbtew tat tont* a .attar+ trot *Merit by *ro 'r*fW 1110M# o+r« enftd by IW, NOW Dowd ~140011 4 rrr iod "wt swrat too 11 C be aMrM WwW Sad srw1o" oirlrs to rrlrrt as fol lever (W4h is the "as as In the or I i hw# edition of "w proposed rasa#ati mm) *rwr w 140761werren " awyr rapirNe s easwts and Irr apgrrrwrs# of "m #tart# phot, the trterlh►tdw oho# 1 anter In% t *mtmt to arittae wiM t%o City rowiriirp the rAdivldrr to furwrtsrh aad oerretrwt Mart twWnr• ants ark his owl. o"t Sod to aaawrrt OWA ar; th plow aw.r# apes = t + cet I on ad %" at Contra" end i t 1 vie *I# sp----A by the City C :unrt 11, uAt+a'i+ aftel 1 t nt kraft provision tot' supary iehm of deta i Is of Swoffrat#yea by Mt City tvqlrw w' and 9fts t t* "As City I'nf lrwsrr au""Wi tt to coo. late th,e e10ft to bre dWW -ArrdW acrd * Matr tt by awry SM&COnOrW46Ws awthwleetd ta► terOSSMri therowoftr and W tit " ottuer Am or motewtrrd tv the City is Iris vicinity, The mefteftor sw $ ra►qu we "0 s%*diV lilw► to mww on w" a wee l f or In 114c "No" esf trr fum 1sh the per# m enat bond ars opgal f led in sai+ei atr f a i rnt 0 UK 144 0011000w tAe sgerwt of trnrr d0ftl t 0041 the, pan*1 aserat of tko band to be 4"1 tt the C ; ty tr"nf tamwoo est ► rte of tare Was Cost 3# "v* 1 tris 1`6 be twMished unirr the c*ntrat,, 1a- e#udl"e Mee asst of teespertf iw+ by the Clh' rn "Mvm et of tto s+rrire iv t ire`' "Is asrrtrrrlrt a" prW ide Mrr simp#et i rat of part or o 1 # Of Mt 16010remoots osaared "Wes** prior to argggptenss of the Plot* and ;0 Qv4% WOO the wtwt N tto drprea l t or bead •Mori # M r #"od to ar IWMI "Val to the art iwated met of the l eptwo" *aft so swplated pr1ar to arorrwip *w4 of Cult plat, r++1 tto @ a m! of tMa rlrpaott or bond steal I "Us$ toe astleeNa amt of the Ira• peomommate to be forme od of ter the on coptarrro of #1y putt an#y. The tt*s ler rr19#01ar of the owk ant Me aww'al parts tbwmf 00011 bs deter Id b; t%S C; fY C*w tI # wpgn fel0 W, do! far of Ctrs City E^; +near after +awoultotlan us" the sdedfariaw and shat# be rres"Embse Is reset Wo t�p tAe +rock to be the *earn" of that y*w1 and proper asrft#ot i ametruct ion set IV I t 140 1* "m sube+v almme If 411WI N 44, A"Not No 19% ~ 0 dooftm;en of Sect ion• 9 G WHO 9 M. 0 "t No .w wa* 4 !ft Wetobso asevided 4 euro Hool W%d "UNtOarrrlt earned "tot "M vWvtvq of theet he oast t ,Swat ais.), be revised ead awaaiM to nod as #0100"1 (00 some of 1w "W artgift.1 odi t Iowa► It "0 ttu '? *Waw blot i aM) loctl on 9 tiar" s itisway i aof "0 pow t o w1�M' SW #y atsta n ewi t M dwi gme �M pow Ids pub t to water swv Ica to wait fano The dM igo of osi d awta+s trw *wit be I^ 4GSWrsW:* Ott t% flo standw t, of this Gita# 50161 100 9 ftl 0 M I& "too gime of t'M1 p44 to sw l twy some *VON" she t be a gMwso • to "Vvtda ewer waft tow to aMft lar 0 Tho 401 of "it aaidr IMM riwoi i bar In Scoard�r wl to I%* i Lana r of the Cityt�r A rofiaw aN t11lot wart tM aro erefebas moi by or. P"I ani umal"Wely osrrtod f0of the Subdivision 94WIetlay r rawtood oar womed awM am# tit t%& MY tr Commit* twat.: No SM*r " tyw* $A ri thr 6,V1ft V tow nwioM fdbdivialaa Re"l ati 7+y praiwrat 1# pains ibs# totem the aoordoit c awwc i i pasting. 1'!y ayat 1r49 fogy i lr adjotdo P* G. "my" 5Mfttary T.: Ole4.aY .. 1 ih HUTCH 1 NWN PLANN 1 NC, COO I SS I ON The Hutchinson P i v n l p g Commission met In special **salon at the Jorgenson, Hotel at 12100 noon Fri day, August 22, 1959. Tho meet ing wt* cal led for the purpose of f Inas 1sinS Subd=,vIslon Regulations. ter. M ffollowing members were presents C. Bratsk*, M. Hegdel, F. Heel, H. Papp, and 1. Torgriwome Mayor 1. Burieh also attended the sooting. Ory After Considerable more discussion on Section II C of the Subdivision Regulations, a wotlen was wade by Are Torgrimon, seconcod by Sr. Hool and unanimously earriea that section 11 C be *wendltd anc revised again -w to read as followt (which is th• some as in the original edition of the proposed regulations) Re ui red 1'7ewant Prov iging for Proper Instal i of i on of Isprovo- <• men s. Prior ft Install6rion of any r6*jr*d Improvements enc to the PPFTo`r appr+wal of final plot, the sobdivider shell enter - � I ntq a contract In writing wilt+ the City requiring t" sub d i v i der ` to f urn i s n and pons t ruct so 1 d i mprov emen is at his so i e coat and In accordance wi M plans and specifications and wsual contract conditions all approved by -the City Council, which shell include pr+ovisio+ for supervision of detalis of constrwtion by the City Engineer end grant to the City Engineer authority to correlate � the work to be dons, un~ ao i d con t rae t by any subeon t rae tors authorised to pnwoed thereunder and wi th any other work being # w: dew or contrasted by the City in the vicinity. 1 Th a agreement ,* shall require f1111 subdlvi•dsr to sake an escrow deposit or in lieu thereof to . fum Ish the performance bond as specified In Subdivision . '., 0 shish follows, the a count of the dspas l t and the penal amount of the bend to be equal to the City Engineer's estimate of the total oast Of the impreveRmnts /r be furnished under the oontrect, In- ' , e1ud1ng the met of inspas+Ion by the City. On request of the ` subdivider tea contract May provide for completion of part or ail of the improvements covered thereby prior to acceptance of the plat, and in suet+ event the amount of the deposit or bona shall De Ndueed la a sum equal to the asti4tod cart of the improve - Monts so coispleted prior to eoaeptonce of Me plat, and the swunt a of the deposit or bond shot 1 egos I the sa t i es t ed coat of the i s- , ' proVemonta to be furwlehed after the acceptance of the plat only. ti The time for soap I stun of the worn and the several parts thereof shall bo dsterlsinsd by the CiiCountll upon resoa>~endation of the City Engineer after almoultation with the subdivider and shell be reallenable it rdlet low to the Oerw to be One, the season* of the year, and prior esrrelNlon with construct ion act iv I t 1 eo in the �� wodivirlow. • • 1]