08-22-1958 PCM cThe Mrrr►d+tmom k'#or►"bw Coqu►Irwokm get in w eat*$ arsstien st me
Jwvdwwn 40tel at ft waren Fir' -day, &g+et meR' 1996 Ted ortiov
No ao$ god for the p+ "W" of fins# 1 a# r j1 Subd a ten ftrillettainso
+he #04#00101 ,ember* aro" proaMt $ C. eretshea 0, N' om * f, ate# o
,, Qr, and ►, Torpr1 ammo **jor 1, t w l4j% oke at I O WWrl "im wrret kq•
AMW oawr#ds ' So wer+nr 11esuatwn aw *at &** # t r. of $60 atbd'fwbtew
tat tont* a .attar+ trot *Merit by *ro 'r*fW 1110M# o+r« enftd by IW, NOW
Dowd ~140011 4 rrr iod "wt swrat too 11 C be aMrM WwW Sad srw1o" oirlrs
to rrlrrt as fol lever (W4h is the "as as In the or I i hw# edition of
"w proposed rasa#ati mm)
*rwr w 140761werren " awyr rapirNe s easwts and
Irr apgrrrwrs# of "m #tart# phot, the trterlh►tdw oho# 1 anter
In% t *mtmt to arittae wiM t%o City rowiriirp the rAdivldrr
to furwrtsrh aad oerretrwt Mart twWnr• ants ark his owl. o"t Sod
to aaawrrt OWA ar; th plow aw.r# apes = t + cet I on ad %" at Contra"
end i t 1 vie *I# sp----A by the City C :unrt 11, uAt+a'i+ aftel 1 t nt kraft
provision tot' supary iehm of deta i Is of Swoffrat#yea by Mt City
tvqlrw w' and 9fts t t* "As City I'nf lrwsrr au""Wi tt to coo. late
th,e e10ft to bre dWW -ArrdW acrd * Matr tt by awry SM&COnOrW46Ws
awthwleetd ta► terOSSMri therowoftr and W tit " ottuer
Am or motewtrrd tv the City is Iris vicinity, The mefteftor
sw $ ra►qu we "0 s%*diV lilw► to mww on w" a wee l f or In 114c
"No" esf trr fum 1sh the per# m enat bond ars opgal f led in sai+ei atr f a i rnt
0 UK 144 0011000w tAe sgerwt of trnrr d0ftl t 0041 the, pan*1 aserat of
tko band to be 4"1 tt the C ; ty tr"nf tamwoo est ► rte of tare Was
Cost 3# "v* 1 tris 1`6 be twMished unirr the c*ntrat,, 1a-
e#udl"e Mee asst of teespertf iw+ by the Clh' rn "Mvm et of tto
s+rrire iv t ire`' "Is asrrtrrrlrt a" prW ide Mrr simp#et i rat of part or o 1 #
Of Mt 16010remoots osaared "Wes** prior to argggptenss of the
Plot* and ;0 Qv4% WOO the wtwt N tto drprea l t or bead •Mori #
M r #"od to ar IWMI "Val to the art iwated met of the l eptwo"
*aft so swplated pr1ar to arorrwip *w4 of Cult plat, r++1 tto @ a m!
of tMa rlrpaott or bond steal I "Us$ toe astleeNa amt of the Ira•
peomommate to be forme od of ter the on coptarrro of #1y putt an#y.
The tt*s ler rr19#01ar of the owk ant Me aww'al parts tbwmf
00011 bs deter Id b; t%S C; fY C*w tI # wpgn fel0 W, do! far of Ctrs
City E^; +near after +awoultotlan us" the sdedfariaw and shat# be
rres"Embse Is reset Wo t�p tAe +rock to be the *earn" of that
y*w1 and proper asrft#ot i ametruct ion set IV I t 140 1* "m
sube+v almme
411WI N 44, A"Not No 19%
~ 0 dooftm;en of Sect ion• 9 G WHO 9 M. 0 "t No .w wa* 4 !ft Wetobso
asevided 4 euro Hool W%d "UNtOarrrlt earned "tot "M vWvtvq of theet he
oast t ,Swat ais.), be revised ead awaaiM to nod as #0100"1 (00 some of 1w
"W artgift.1 odi t Iowa► It "0 ttu '? *Waw blot i aM)
loctl on 9 tiar" s itisway i aof "0 pow t o w1�M' SW #y atsta n
ewi t M dwi gme �M pow Ids pub t to water swv Ica to wait fano The
dM igo of osi d awta+s trw *wit be I^ 4GSWrsW:* Ott t% flo standw t, of
this Gita#
50161 100 9 ftl 0 M I& "too gime of t'M1 p44 to sw l twy some
*VON" she t be a gMwso • to "Vvtda ewer waft tow to aMft lar 0
Tho 401 of "it aaidr IMM riwoi i bar In Scoard�r wl to I%* i Lana r
of the Cityt�r
A rofiaw aN t11lot wart tM aro erefebas moi by or. P"I ani umal"Wely
osrrtod f0of the Subdivision 94WIetlay r rawtood oar womed awM am#
tit t%& MY tr Commit*
twat.: No SM*r " tyw* $A ri thr 6,V1ft V tow nwioM fdbdivialaa
Re"l ati 7+y praiwrat 1# pains ibs# totem the aoordoit c awwc i i pasting.
1'!y ayat 1r49 fogy i lr adjotdo
P* G. "my"
.. 1 ih
The Hutchinson P i v n l p g Commission met In special **salon at the
Jorgenson, Hotel at 12100 noon Fri day, August 22, 1959. Tho meet ing
wt* cal led for the purpose of f Inas 1sinS Subd=,vIslon Regulations.
ffollowing members were presents C. Bratsk*, M. Hegdel, F. Heel,
H. Papp, and 1. Torgriwome Mayor 1. Burieh also attended the sooting.
After Considerable more discussion on Section II C of the Subdivision
Regulations, a wotlen was wade by Are Torgrimon, seconcod by Sr. Hool
and unanimously earriea that section 11 C be *wendltd anc revised again
to read as followt (which is th• some as in the original edition of
the proposed regulations)
Re ui red 1'7ewant Prov iging for Proper Instal i of i on of Isprovo-
men s. Prior ft Install6rion of any r6*jr*d Improvements enc
to the
PPFTo`r appr+wal of final plot, the sobdivider shell enter
- �
I ntq a contract In writing wilt+ the City requiring t" sub d i v i der
to f urn i s n and pons t ruct so 1 d i mprov emen is at his so i e coat and
In accordance wi M plans and specifications and wsual contract
conditions all approved by -the City Council, which shell include
pr+ovisio+ for supervision of detalis of constrwtion by the City
Engineer end grant to the City Engineer authority to correlate
the work to be dons, un~ ao i d con t rae t by any subeon t rae tors
authorised to pnwoed thereunder and wi th any other work being
# w:
dew or contrasted by the City in the vicinity. 1 Th a agreement
shall require f1111 subdlvi•dsr to sake an escrow deposit or in lieu
thereof to . fum Ish the performance bond as specified In Subdivision
. '.,
0 shish follows, the a count of the dspas l t and the penal amount of
the bend to be equal to the City Engineer's estimate of the total
oast Of the impreveRmnts /r be furnished under the oontrect, In-
' ,
e1ud1ng the met of inspas+Ion by the City. On request of the
subdivider tea contract May provide for completion of part or ail
of the improvements covered thereby prior to acceptance of the
plat, and in suet+ event the amount of the deposit or bona shall
De Ndueed la a sum equal to the asti4tod cart of the improve -
Monts so coispleted prior to eoaeptonce of Me plat, and the swunt
of the deposit or bond shot 1 egos I the sa t i es t ed coat of the i s-
, '
proVemonta to be furwlehed after the acceptance of the plat only.
The time for soap I stun of the worn and the several parts thereof
shall bo dsterlsinsd by the CiiCountll upon resoa>~endation of the
City Engineer after almoultation with the subdivider and shell be
reallenable it rdlet low to the Oerw to be One, the season* of the
year, and prior esrrelNlon with construct ion act iv I t 1 eo in the