12-15-1958 PCM cCARL O. BRETZKE. M.D. DAN W. HUEBERT. M.D. HUTCHINSON MEDICAL CENTER TELEPHONE 1885 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA of 13.1500 . riroftAals Aftmo c4f KENNETH H. PETERSON, M.D. GEORGE R. SMITH, M.D. '+r *r +awIA; Harou Pa 4 Com*r, Irk l►awtLte" T*vgrtmFloyd Hoot md Card, brotskOv Th* a of dw m+Ntoate *%plabod by Ur. P s w" dw oono st4eftflan of three PWS to the qty of Hutddasom for AmmIl The Seldww Jorjoasow* Jenny Nyberg #3, and Irvin Burtch 6444ifts. U ++ter explained NAf. Jorsoaom bas sa a portarawafms tad t') ** city at HuUWason v41h a ca d$r4o hU daadad. two 1644 00 the city of r Playl mos, A pearl ae ha4§ alas been obtained for Soldww. The We daod+rd to the cit+►. wors 'fatal 1I a" 1Z of black S. So a madow by DOO&M Cafter. see *d by r1ord " Unanimously sweepted, dw prooidest secretary we" v",e+d and 9astmd to n the flual plat for the SoIc « J*rgaaallaos addbim. given.> for $400. 00 for her a o , . W_, to the playgro=d On a 'k a<t by Von4d..s x- ae.TargrWooa and on- dorso,the flaol plat for t o s "t wa accepted. the r .?.' the 1k eadoroo the i Y. 'tlat M the k :R addition. C4Wl 0. stotAo# U. 0. a Astkw $04*0 0 • •