01-16-1959 PCM cFA
January 17, 1959
The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in special session at 7:30 P.M., Friday,
January 17, 1959, in the City Hail. Present were: Dr. C. Bretsks, D. Comer,
M. Hegdal, F. Ho el, and L. Torgrimson. J. W. Hawks was also present. Due to
a conflict of meetings, it was necessary to adjourn to the Hutchinson Medical
Cen to r at 8:30.
Minutes of the November 17 and December 15 "etings were formally approved and
Dr. Bretske called on Mr. Hawks of Carl L. Gardner and Associates to discuss
their study and the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Hawks pointed out that a comprehensive plan had been laid out for a Hutchinson
population of 10,000 by 1975 or 1980. Their program includes the Zoning Map and
various comprehensive reports. The Zoning Ordinance and School Facilities reports
have just been submitted. Ten copies of each report are provided and he suggested
that each copy be numbered and signed out on a loan basis so they will not be lost.-
ost:He also suggested one copy be given to the City library.
When their study is completed, their services are further available on either a
retainer or special consultant basis as the occasions demand.
Mr. Hawks strongly emphasized the importance of the PlannIng Commission operating
as a research group. They should get facts, make their analysis in terms of
long-range city planning, and them make recommendations to the City Council.
"The Commission is an advisory, not an action group." He also suggested wider
distribution of the Commissions minutes which included the Council and possibly
other interested groups.
Mr. Hawks made several specific recommendations:
1. Immediately consider annexation as the City is very limited in the
availability of land for public use as well as other usage.
2. Formation of a combination Recreation and Park Commission.
3. City be operated on a programmed -performance budget.
The balance of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of portions of the proposed
Zoning Ordinance. ,This is designed as a guide and must be revised with changes
and time.
Mr. Hawks pointed out that such an ordinance provides the legal power to control
use of nand and buildings in the Community. The proposed regulations should apply
to additions to existing facilities.
-2- January l 7. 19,9
Based on their study, expansion of the City is to the Northeast and Southwest*
Mr. Hawks, therefore. felt that a thorough study of the roads is most imperative
If the City is to make the best use of financial assistance which can probably
be obtained from the County in the building of a bridge across the river,
Mr. Hawks discussed briefly the Zoning Map which he left with Dr. Bretske and
gave the following key to the color codes
Blue - Industrial District
Green - City Property
Red - Business District
Light orange and yellow - Residential District
Mr. Hawks would like the Planning Commission's approval of the overall map at
the mogtina which was formally scheduled for Wednesday P.N.. February 4, 1959.
Further discussion of Zoning will be held at this meeting* The members were
asked to think immediately of the annexation problem which undoubtedly will
require appreciable understanding and advance selling.
Mr. Comer questioned whether the perimeter planning includes sufficient land.
Mr. Hawks stated it may be better to extend about a quarter mile beyond. Mr.
Comer then suggested the possibility of meeting with the Town Boards.
Mr. Hawks suggested the County Engineer be contacted regarding the effect of
the five year plan of financing City and County roads.
The regular -January meeting will be held in the Firemen's Meeting Room at 7:30
P.M. on Monday, January 19.
The meeting was formally adjourned.
M. C. Hegdal
January 16, 1959
The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in special session at 7:30 P.M., Friday,
January 16, 1959, in the City Halle Present were: Dr. C. Bretske, D. Comer,
M. Hegdal, F. Hoel, and L. Torgrimson. J. W. Hawks was also present. Due to
a conflict of meetings, it was necessary to adjourn to the Hutchinson Medical
Center at 8: 730.
Minutes of the November 17 and December 15 meetings were formal ly_ approved and
Dr. Bretsk a called on Mr. Hawks of Carl L. dardner and Associates to discuss
their study and the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Hawks pointed out that a comprehensive plan had been laid out for a Hutchinson
population of 10,000 by 1975 or 1980. Their program includes the Zoning Map and
various comprehensive reports. The Zoning Ordinance and School Facilities reports
have just been submi tted. Ten copies of each report are prov ided and he suggested
that each copy be numbered and signed out on a loan basis so they will not be lost.
He also suggested one copy be given to the City library.
When their study is completed, their services are further available on either a
retainer or special consultant basis as the occasions demand. -
Mr. Hawks strongly emphasized the importance of the Planning Commission operating
as a research group. They should get facts, make their analysis in terms of
long-range city planning, and then make recommendations to the City Council.
"The Commission is an advisory, not an action group." He also suggested wider
distribution of the Commissdonls minutes which included the Council and possibly
other interested groups.
Mr. Hawks made several specific recommendations:
I. Immediately consider annexation as the City is very limited in the
availability of land for public use as well as other usage.
2. Formation of a combination Recreation and Park Commissione
j. City be operated on a programmed -performance budget,
The balance of the meeting was devoted to a discussion of portions of the proposed
Zoning Ordinance. This is designed as a guide and must be revised with changes
and time.
kr. Hawks pointed out that such an ordinance provides the legal power to control
use of nand and buildFngs in the Community. The proposed regulations should apply
to additions to existing facilities.
Minutes d .January Q'6 1949
Based on their study,. expansion of the City is to the Northeast and Southwest.,
Mr. Hawks,, therefore, felt that a thorough study of the roads is most imperative
if the City is to make the best use of financial assistance vuhich can probably
be obtained from the County in the building of fa bridge across the river.
Mr. Hawks discussed briefly the Zoning ,Rap which he left with Dr. Bre_tske and
gave the following key to the color codes
Blue - Industrial District
Green - City Property
Red - Business District
Light brange and yellow - Residential District
Mr. Hawks would like the Planning Commission's approval of the overall map at
the mooting which was formally scheduled for Wednesday P.M.., February 4, 1959.
Further discussion of Zoning will be held at this meeting. The members were
asked to think immediately of the annexation problem which undoubtedly will
require appreciable understanding and advance selling.
Mr. Comer questioned whether the perimeter planning includes sufficient land.
Mr. Hawks stated it may be better to extend about ra quarter mile beyond. Mr.
Comer then suggested the possibility of meeting with the Town Boards.
Mr. Hawks suggested the County Engineer be contacted regarding the effect of
the five year plan of f i nanc�rg/,C ity and County roads.
The regular January meeting will be held in the Firemen's Meeting Room at 7:30
P.M. on Monday, January Ig.
The meeting was formally adjourned.
M. C. Hegdal
Minn es
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The Hutch PIl' 'on i, -t 7-- 30 P.#,. , Fr I day,,
Bretske, D� Comer,
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Mnutes of th& Novc-,cber Vl ipre forma0 ay_ approved and
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thiAr study
Mr. 14awks po`�rten oij`A- hijd `)vc-n L'Old out for a HutchNnson
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January I& I9,r-9
Based on their study, expansion of the City is to the Northeast and Southwest*
Mro Hawks,_ therefore, felt that a thorough study of the roads is most Imperative
If the City Is to make the best use of financial assistance which can probably
be obtained from the County in the building of a bridge across the river.
Mr. Hawks discussed briefly the Zoning Map which he left with Dr. Bretske and
gave the following key to the color code:
Blue - Industrial District
Green - City Property
Red - Business District
Light orange and yellow - Residential District
Mr. Hawks would like the Planning Commission's approval of the overall map at
the meeting which was formally scheduled for Wednesday P.M., February 4, 19%&
Further discussion of Zoning will be held at this meeting. The members were
asked to think immediately of the annexation problem which undoubtedly will
require appreciable understanding and advance selling.
Mr. Comer questioned whether the perimeter planning includes sufficient land.
Mr. Hawks stated it may be better to extend about a quarter mile beyond. Mr.
Caner then suggested the possibility of meeting with the Town Boards. _
Mr. Hawks suggested the County Engineer be contacted regarding the effect of O
The hegulac r January meeting
P.M. on Monday, January 19.
be held in the Firemen's Meeting Room at 700
The meeting was formally adjourned.
M. C. Hegdal