11-17-1958 PCM ci`
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4 I notes
November 17, 1950
The Hutchinsin Planning Commission held its regular monthly Meeting
at 7vOO P%F ., *ondey, November 17, in the Cif) Hell- Present were
N. Popp„ L. TorgrioRsan, %, 4&gdol, A. Thompson. enc u. Cow..
N,inutes of the Stpt*wbsr 24th ane ;)ctober 20th meeting* wore approved.
Kr. f'opn reed J. 1(, Hawks letter of reply regarding the Pure ')i l Company$*
pet I t i,)n to co rwarc lei I zo Lots 4 ane 5 in Mock 22 along Highway t7o la
their opinion, the petttl:3n is not in the best interest of the City for
the following reasons:
I. The propert, is inadequate in size.
2. The area Is resi osnt iel *%cept fir a grocery store.
Thera are presant1y three stations nearby.
There exists the posaltOl ity of Highway #7 :veiny relocated.
O'r. Torgri+eson reported that Mrse Nyberg had soreed to a 4ash "ati-In
to the City in order to provide adequately for parks and playground.
Mr. Torgr i msan rev i ewsd the City Budget re cu i r emen is for 1959.
�4r. "opp st f*td that Oar. 1�urich had requested a Try i i er .'oach 1rdinance
and also road a letter frau Hooke which stated repo-eandat ions and I nei uded
a copy of the State Statutes. No rata -+endstion followed.
#r. ^opp renorted the master plan was acheduled for completion on oecewber IR.
Thr, meeting formally ad, iurpad.
,u* C. ""del
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AUTCmINSO% :LA`0vl^d, , A'S 5S�U+
Minutes N -, ,;,r ; - I ", I a
The Hutchinson Plarni-., _-om-'s• r , , is '�..,_ .�- vnnth,y Te.♦ r('
at 7100 P.N..p Monday. -R rJ»- l • re 't, —11. E- +ser t •w
H. Popp, Le Tu'TrlTsor . He ,-I. f. r--,D%(r, !' . C,, `cr.
0.1mUt&a of the September :'14th a : Or: '„ter cUtr mettin9s ran• ac•1'•ed.
Mr. Popp read j. R. Hawke letter �f reply regard ^g the i I �'ompor yrs
petition to eo'aareialize Lots 1, ar,d 5 in block -2<along H._nwey f7j Ir
their opinion,, 'he petiti A is nct in the Lest interest of t~Q i ty for
the follosirg reesonst
I. The property Is i^s)equets in size. '
2. The area Is residential exc*rt for a grocery store.
There are prbsr t Iv three stet ions nearby.
. There e,;sts the oossibil ity of Hi-hwev # t:ei-q relecetsc.
Mr. Tcrgrimew reported that Mrs. N�berq had egrar + to a cash rration
to tre Ci ty in order to pro*, ids adequeteiv for parks anc levy-au�u.
Mr. Torgrimson reviewed the City Budget -squirements for 1959.
Mr. Popp stated that Mr. Buri ch had requested a Trailer Coach Ordinance
and also rood a letter from HaMka which stated recommendations and included
a copy of th* =tats StMtutes. No rocarwandation followed. _
Mr. Poop reported the master plan was scheduled for Completion on December .180
Time meeting forsol 1 y adjourned.
M. Ce Hecdal
Secretary '
i kewow