01-19-1959 PCM cHUTCH I NSON PLANNING C OP.W I SS I ON Minutes January 19, 1959 The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in regular session at the City Hall at 700 P.M., Monday, January 19, 1959. The following were present: F. Hoot, Dr. C. Bretske, 0. Comer, M. Hegdal, Mrs. N. Stearns, L. Torgrimson, and Dr. Thompson. Minutes of the January 16 meeting were read and approved subject to the two following corrections: (1) Paragraph 4, page 1, should read "when the Gardner study is completed•--" instead of "when their study is completed e (2) The next to the last paragraph on page 2 should read "Mr. Hawks suggested the County Engineer be contacted regarding coordination of City and County planning of Hutchinson roads". The secretary was instructed to number and maintain a master list of both the Planning Com^ission books and reports received from Gardner & Associates. The secretary was instructed to send minutes of the Planning Commission meetings to each member of the City Counci I . Mrs. Stearns and ffir. Tor gr imson were. appointed as a committee to study the recommendation made by Mr. Hawks for a combination recreation and park commission, Considerable discussion was held regarding future services from Gardner and Associates. No recommendations were formulated. Dr. Bretske agreed to contact Mr. Hawks for further infoi^,ation and recom- mendations regarding progranmed performance budgeting. Dr. Bretske was requested io extend an invitation t-3 Mr. C. hlbrecht to attend the February 4 special ^eeting of the Planning Commission for information and discussion regarding road proposals. Mr. Hoel was instructed to arrange for a meeting with Mr. Thompsor, of the State Highway Department at Wo I Imar regarding the future of state highways through Hutchinson® Dr. Bretske wi I I determine whether the comprehensive plan incl udes a per Imeter planning study. The secretary was instructed to obtain for each member a copy of the ordinance establishing the Planning Commission and also determine when the term of each member exp i res. r Minutes -2m January 19, 1959 Members were asked to be prepared to discuss the first seventeen pages of the Zoning Ordinance at the next regular meeting of the Commission. The balance of the meeting revolved about the proposed Zoning Map. 'From this discussion the following subjects or questions were raised for further discussion with Mr. Hawks: go Adv isab i l i ty of the proposed zoning of the area immediately south of the 7 -Hi Motel and Garden Supper Club. 2. Why are school recommendations contrary to those of the school architects? 3• Why isn't Highway :;'l5 diverted to 122 beyond the City? 4* Highway W7 of the future through Hutchinson. 5. A block east of the library for City purposes. 6. Increasing perimeter planning 1/4 of a mile. 7. Where is the official zoning map referred to on page seventeen of the Zoning Ordinance? Mr. Hawks will be present at the special meeting which is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, February 1f. The meeting formally adjourned. M. C. HegdaI Secretary ke