02-06-1959 PCM cMTCHINSON PLANNiNG COMMISSION Minutes February 6, 1959 The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in special session at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m., Friday, February 6, 1959. The following members were presents Dr. C. Bretske, D. Caner, Ro Hegdal, F. Hoel, Mrs. N. Stearns, Dr. Thompson, and L. Torgrimson. Mr. Hawks of Gardner and Associates was present. Mr. L. Braseman, County Engineer, Mr. C. Albredt County Coimissioner, and the following Lynn Town board members were also presents Stanley Barto, Ed Duesterhoeft, Oliver Plath and Louis Rechow. Copies of the City Ordinance which established the Hutchinson Planning Com. - mission and minutes of the January 29th meeting were distributed to members.. M!r. Hawks expl a ined the proposed road pattern as shown on the Zoning Pap and how both the State and secondary roads had been laid out to avoid traffic through the residential areas end also designed to conveniently accommodate the industrial areas. State roads had been discussed with the State Highway Department. After considerable discussion which followed; 1.+r. Hawks suggested the following to the Planning Commission: 1. Decide if the road pattern is or is not good. 2. Determine whether proposed roads are compat ib 19 with County plans• 3. Get OK's from the townships so as to prov.lde for acquisition of land for future roadso, 4o See that the County p 1 an will include 'as much as possible in their Needs Pian. 5. Spend present State Aid funds toward ultimately achieving the plan.. A- essrs. Albrecht and Braseman left the.meet i not at this point. Mr. Hawks next discussed the pros and cons of a township being all agricultural or part urban and part agricultural. He pointed out to the town board members that zoning regulations and plotting are the legal tools foir guiding the growth of a community toward a pian. He suggested a study should probably be made. He also stated he could see nothing wrong if the City were to annex the area Included in Lynn Township (as shown on the Zoning Pap) at this time. After considerable discussion, #r. Hawks promised to study the statutes and send a letter to Mr. Barto givinr the detailed requirements of an election for a zoning ordinance. A Minutes -2- February 6, 1959 The suggestion was made, to which all agreed, for a meeting of all four adjacent Town Doards and the Planning Com-ission to determine if the Boards wish to establish uniform zoning ordinances by a vote of their people at the next annual meeting. It was agreed this meeting will be held as part of the regular meeting on Ponday, Febru ary l6o (The Town Boards wIIl be extended an invitation to meet at St30 p.m.) ►Ars. Stearns reported the recommendations of the Stearns-Torgrimson Committee study for combination Park and Recreation Commission. On motion by Dr. Thompson, seconded by lir. Hoel, and unanimously carried, the Planning Commission recommends to the Charter Commission that Ch. X11 in the Charter be changed to effect a consolidation creating a joint Park -Recreation Commission. ►Ar. Torgrimson reported the Council is studying programmed Performance Budgeting. Discussion followed and Mr. Hawks agreed to send 1,4r. Torgrimson samples of forms used by St. Louis Park. In answer to questions raised at the January 19 meeting regarding the proposed Zoning Map, Mr. Hawks stated: to Regarding the residential area south of the motel, the Planning Commission must recognize what is there presently as the map is a long-range plan. 2. Regarding school recommendations being contrary to the school architect's, their Consultants felts a. A single elementary school would be excessively large. b. Distances to a single elementary school would require permanent bus and Lunch systems. c. The school district doesn't have sufficient banding capacity. d. The load of such a large elementary school would be too great for one principal. e. Sequence of the building program is probably the only main difference. 3. The question of highway 415 merging into f22 outside of the City had been answered earlier in the meeting as a possibility forty nsideration and discussion with the Highway Department. 4o Highway 1E7 of the future depends to a large degree on what the Community wants. (Improvements up to date probably haventt been too well planned.) 5. The main problem regarding the Civic Center is how to implement acquisition of this property. Minutes "?j- February 6, 1999 6. Perimeter zoning should be Increased beyond a quarter mile. 7, The zoning map referred to is not as yet ready. The meeting formally adjourned. Me C. Hegdal Secretary 141i`CH I NSON PLANNING COM I SS 1 ON Minutes February 6, 1959 The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in special session at the City Hall at 7s30 Pam,., Friday, February 6,1959. The following members were presents Dr. C. Bretske, D. Comer, M. Hegdal, F.. Hoel, Mrs. No Stearns, Dr. Thompson, and Le Torgrimson. Mr. Hawks of Gardner and Associates was present. W Mr. L. *aseman, County Engineer, Mr. C. Albredtv County Co^imissioner, and the following Lynn Town board members were also presents Stanley Barto, Ed Duesterhoeft, Oliver Plath and Louis Rechow. Copies of the City Ordinance which established the Hutchinson Planning Com- mission and minutes of the January 29th meeting were distributed to members* Mr. Hawks exp i c ined the proposed road pattern as shown on the Zoning Pap and how both the State and secondary roads had.been laid out to avoid traffic through the residential areas and also designed to conveniently accommodate the industrial areas. State roads had been discussed with the State Highway Department* After considerable discussion which foliowedi Mr. Hawks suggested the following to the Planning Commission: I., Decide if the road pattern is or is not good. 2. Determine whether proposed roads are compat ill l e with County plans, 39 Get OK•s from the townships so as to provide for acquisition of land for future roads., 4. See that the County plan w i If include ,as much as poss i bi a in their Needs Plan, 5• Spend present State Aid funds toward ultimately achieving the plan., Messrs. Albrecht and Braseman left themoet i ng at this point. Mr. Hawks next discussed the pros and cons of a township being all agricultural or part urban and part agricultural, He pointed out to the town board members that zoning regulati ins and plotting are the legal tools for guiding the growth of a community toward a plan. He suggested a study should probably be made. He also stated he could see nothimg wrong if the City were to annex the area included in Lynn Township (as shown on the zoning Pap) at this time. After considerable discussion; Mr. Hawks pronised to study the statutes and send a letter to Mr, Barto givinc the detailed requirements of an election for a zoning ordinance. Minutes -2- February 6, 1959 The suggest ion was made, to which al I agreed, for a meeting of all four adjacent Town Loards and the Planning Com -fission to determine if the Boards wish to establish uniform zoning ordinances by a vote of their people at the next annual meeting. It was agreed this meeting will be held as part of the regular meeting on Ponday, February 16. (The Town Boards will be extended an invitation to meet at 8130 p.m.) Mrs. Stearns reported the recommendations of the Stearns-Torgrimson Com-ittee study for combination Park and Recreation Commission. On motion by Dr. Thompson, seconded by 11r. Noel, and unanimously carried, the Planning Comm i ss ionArecommen ds to the Charter Commission that Ch. X11 in the Charter be changed to effect a consolidation creating a joint Park-Recreetion� Comp+ i ss i on . Pr. Torgrimson reported the Council is studying programmed Performance Budgeting. Discussion followed and We Hawks agreed to send Pr. Torgrimson samples of forms used by St. Louis Park* In answer to questions raised at the January 19 meeting regarding the proposed Zoning Map, Mr. Hawks stated: 1. Regarding the residential area south of the motel, the Planning Commission must recognize what is there presently as the map is a long-range plan. 2. Regardi ng school recommendat ions being contrary to the school architect's, their Consultants felt: a. A single elementary school would be excessively large. b. Distances to a single e 1 ement ary sc hoo 1 would require permanent bus and lunch systems. e. The school district doesn't have sufficient bonding capacity. d. The load of such a large elementary school would be too great for one principal. e. Sequence of the building program is probably the only main difference. 3• The quest ion of highway J'15 merging into 422 outside of the City had been answered earlier In the meeting as a possibility f orco ns i dera t i on and discussion with the Highway Department. 4e Highway f7 of the future depends to a large degree on what the Community wants. (improvements up to date probably haven•t been too well planned.) 59 The main problem regarding the Civic Center is how to implement acquisition of this property. I 0. Minutes •3- February 69 1999 6. Perimeter zoning show 1 d be Increased beyond a quarter mile. 7. The zoning map referred to is not as yet ready. The meeting formally adjourned. M. C. Hegdal Secretary February b, 1959 MINUTES faApproval of January 19th and January 28th meetings. UNFINISHED BUSINESS I. Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Baseman will be here to meet with Mr. Hawks The commission regarding possible co-ordinstion of county and city road planning. 11. Lynn Township board has been asked to meet wf no at 9:30 p.m. Members are: Mr. Platt, Mrs Due=4er. eft, Mr. Bar%, and Mr. Rechrw. This is to be an informative meeting Hawk* for our urateal benefit. Hassam Valley and Hutchinson Townships have also expressed a , desire to meet with us for co-operation in mooing problems. We akvuW anticipate a future meeting with 'Mr. Hawks and all township boards after we have had a chance to discuss the purpose of such a meeting among ourselves and with Mr. Hawks. It is to be hoped that some uniform ordinances may be drawn up in all of the bordering townships. M. Mr. Torgrimson and Mrs. Stearns will report on their com matte shady for a combination recreation and park commission. Mr. Hawks has been asked to make suggestions at this meeting. IV. Mr. Hawks has also been asked for suggestions as to the role of the planning commission in recommending programed performance brdgedug. V. Discussion of proposed soning map with Mr. Hawks in line with gwmdoaw raised at January 19th meeting. VI. A planning commission phone account has been established. In making long distance calls for planning commission business tell the eperaUw to charge the call to the planning commission. NEW BUSINESS Prefer to wait for regular meetings. Next REGULAR meeting of the commissions is February 15th at 7:34 p.m. in the City Hall. pal Febroary 60 1"9 APPOO441 ad jawwr M and Summary 296 trow"O. vr"flw,Wl.7) Su""INESS L & M ve ASNOM sol Uft Bonswast UGU be ban to well UM taw. ftul� The %N ------ goilloillolil" 30841,11W evw* Md 4"y flowl POIN&W U. LVW TOOMMp Woll b" bola odled Mair! 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