02-16-1959 PCA cr AGENDA FEBRUARY 16, 1959 MINUTES Approval January 19th, January Z5th, a" February 6th minutes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Diecussioxâ–º of meeting with Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Baseman on coanty roads. Are there any suggestions for farther action at this time? U. Mr. Eldred Miller has po*ioned the council for a building permit for a ten wait apartment on land newly annexed to the city just to the north of his home on Jefferson Street. Mr. Burtch would like the commission to discuss this request with the possi- bility of malting a definite "commendation to the council. M. The first 18 pages of the zoning ordinance ware scheduled for review at this meeting. Unless there is violent objection or an unexpected amount of time this review will be postponed until the next regular meeting in March. IV. The township boards from Hassan Valley, Hutchinsm, Acoma. and Lynn townships are expected to be present for an open discussion on a uniform zoning ordinance in the respective townships. NEW BUSINESS 1. Election of Officers. 11. Would the commission like to obtain subscriptions to LEAGUE of MUNICIPALITIES JOURNAL?