02-16-1959 PCM cIf
February 16, 1959
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held Monday, February 16, at
7230 P.M. in the Firemen's Room at the City Hall. Present were Dr. Bretzke,
Dr. A. J. Thompson, Mr. Hoel, Mr. Comer, and Mrs. Stearns. Absent, Mro Hegdal
and Mr. Torgrimson.
The minutes of the three previous meetings were read and approved with the
following corrections:
Minutes of February 6 - Page 1, Name of County Engineer - Mr. W. Baseman
Page 2, Motion of Dr. Thompson amended to read
"the Planning Commis` ion, on suggestion of the Planning Consultant, recom-
mends to the Charter Commission .... .
Plans for two new subdivisions were then presented to the Planning Commission
by Mr. Menk, representing Bolton and Menk, engineering firm from St. Peter*
Jack Powers, City Engineer, was also present,,
1. Nyberg's Fourth Addition - Byron Putney present, representing Mrs.
Nyberg. Mr. Comer inquired about the setting aside of any of this
property for perk or playground or the receipt of money in lieu of
this, as in the previous Nyberg subdivisions. No provision had been
2. Walter's Addition - Mr. Louis Waller was present. After discussion&
it was recommended that the Pl en n i ng Commission return the plats to
the City Council with notations suggesting that the ,jog affecting
Lots 2, 3, and 8 be straightened out to ease instal fat ion of uti 1 ity
lines, and that Lot 7 be added to the triangular area set aside for
park or playground.
The plats are to be returned to the City Council with the ap nroval of the
Commission in that they conform in the main to the Ordinance Adopting Sub -
Division Regulations.
All present in regard to the new subdivisions then lefto
The next item on the agenda was the meeting with the members of the four town-
ship boards. Present were:
Walter Tawas
August Hoeft
Lawrence Wendorff
Hassan valley
Don Ulrich
Richard Zavora I
Eimer Berwald
Art Dobratz
Ed On dracek
Earl Boll
Reds ow
01 Ivor PI ath
Stanley Barto
-2 Februa ry 16, 1959
Dr. Bre tzke op 1 a i nod to t he boa rds t he prcb 1 ems th at w I 1 face an expand i ng
Hutchinson which make a uniform zoning ordinance, or ordinances, on the part
of the townships a tool to regu I ate this growth.
Treatment of sewage was mentioned as a common problemo
A standard ordinance for all townships would enable one inspector to serve all
four townships, and a standard ordinance, or ordinances, should serve to tie
into theone general plan as laid out on themap of the Planning Consultanto
It was felt by all present that an editorial in the Leader on the value of the
townships' adopting zoning ordinances would be a helc In Informing the voters.
The town boards agreed to submit the proposal to adopt zoning ordinances to
the voters on the ballot for their annual election on March loo
Eldred Miller's application for a permit to build a multiple dwelling consisting
of ten units was considered then under new business. Since there was no site
plan available, discussion was limited, but Mr. Comer summed up the thinking
of the Commission with the statement, "The Planning does not now Include multiple
dwellings In the area indicated, but if there is a good reason for a non -conforming
use, we see no reason for opposition"o
Subscriptions to the League of Municipa lit ies publ ication and the State Planning
publication are to be ordered for the members of the Commission.
The annual election of officers took place as follows:
Dr. Carl Bretzke was nominated by Dr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Hoei, to
continue as Chairman of the Planning Commission. Dr. Thompson moved the
nominations be closed and the secretary instructed to cast'an unanimous
ba I I of for Dr. Bretzke. Approved.
Don Comer was nominated by Mr. Hoel, seconded by Dr. Thompson, to serve
as Vice Chairman. Nominations closed, etco
Mr. M. C. Hegdal was nominated by Mrs. Stearns, seconded by Don Comer,
to continue as secretary. Nominations closed, etco
The next meeting was set for the regular meeting date on Monday, March f69 The
meeting adjourned.
Ethne Stearns, Secretary Pro Tem