03-16-1959 PCM ci
March 16t 1959
The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held
at 7:30 P.M., Monday, March 16, 1959, in the City Hall. Members present
were Drs. Bretske and Thompson, Messrs, Comer, Hoel, Hegdal and Torgrimson,
and Mrs. N. Stearns*
Mr. W. Reyerson was present at the request of the Planning Commission to
discuss the coordination of road building and plans for the 99 acre tract
(old Melicher property) held by a group, which Mr. Reyerson represents,
for Industrial Development. Considerable discussion followed and Mr*
Reyerson Indicated that the only plans to date have been with Mr. C. Betker
for a fifty foot wide road running north and south as a connection with
Highway :#7e Mr. Reyerson also stated that the Highway Department had
assured their group of a service road on the south edge of the future
Highway #70
LeRoy Schmidt was present in his own behalf to question whether a milk store
could be established south and east of Highway #15 (approximately across the
highway from the Coca Cola Plant). He was Informed the area in question
had been recommended for residential zoning and a non -conforming permit
would, therefore, be required once the Zoning Ordinance is estoblishedo
He was also informed application for such a permit must be made through
the City Council.
The minutes of the February 16 and March 12 meetings were approved subject
to the two following corrections in the March 12 minutes:
Io The fourth word under item #6 page I should be Industrial rather than
2. The first two lines of the last paragraph on page 2 should be corrected
to read as follows: The area north of the M.•� St. L. tracks, south
of Third Avenue North, and extending east of the West city I1r-111s to
the intersection of Third Avenue with the M. & St. L. -
After discussion regarding preliminary plat of Nyberg's Fourth Addition, the
following motion by Mr. Comer was seconded by Mrs. Stearns and unanimously
On the assumption that the City Engineer has approved this plate
the Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat of Nyberg's
Fourth Addition on condition that adecuate provision be made for
parks and playgrounds and that utility easements are providedo
Following discussion of the preliminary plat of Wallertsaddition, the following
motion was made by Mr. Hoel, seconded by Dr. Thompson and unanimously carried:
March lb,, 1959
On the assumption that the City Engineer has approvod this plat,
the Hutchinson Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat
of Waller8s addition on condition that satisfactory drainage out-
lets be provided, that the jog affecting Lots 2, 3, and 8 be
straightened out to ease instaliation of utilities, and that ade-
quate provisions for parks and playgrounds be maxde.
A discussion was held regarding a proposal to amend the Subdivision
Reguistion Ordinance by the addition of the following paragraph in Section
H C, page 17e
On request of the subdivider and subject to approval of the Council,
the Agreement may provide or be subsequently amended to provide
that than p 1 ans and specifications be prepared by the City Eng i need
and the City wW acct m� contracting agent for the construction
thereof, ail at the soio expense of the subdivider. In the event
of such contract egrreezent or mended agreement, the City shag 1
reimburse itself for all costs out of the required escrow deposit
or from the pre.-,cceedas of the: roqulred performance bond including costs
for supery is lon as provided.
A motion was wade by Pr. Cramer, vended by Dr. Thompson and unanimously
carried that the P g ann i ng Commission recommends to the City Coune i l that
the Sub -division Reguf stions be !left as tiYey are and the proposed amendment
to Section 11 C, page t7 not be adopted.
The first eighteen pages of the ioroposed ZonirQ Ordinance were reviewed and
approved with the following enceptlonss
Section 283, page 2 - Dr. Bcretzko agreed to obtain clarification of
the moaning of this itemz
Section 3826, page 7 - The Oast line to be changed to meads ----
enclosed area compieWy removed foam public
view or in a buifdIng shaOl not be included®
Section 401, page 03 - Dr. Bretzke agreed to obtain clarification
from the Nanning Engineer regarding this Item.
The P 1 e nn ing Corn m i ss i on members were asked to study and be prepared to review
pages 19-34 inclusive at the regular Apr l 1 meeting proposed Zoning Ordinance).
Mr. Torgr imson reported br i of i y that progress was being miade toward Performance
Budgeting. Both Mr. Brodaer i ass and Arc Hurt were present i y arrepar ing budgets.
Forms promised had not as yet been received from fir. Hawks.
March 16, 1959
The Secretary reported that a master list of Planning Commission books and
reports is being compiled, but Mr. Hawks has not as yet provided information
regarding the number of copies they provided of each report.
The Secretary was instructed to forward a letter to the City Charter Commission
stating the motion approved at the February 6, 1959, meeting regarding
recommending a joint Park -Recreation Commission.
The meeting formally adjourned*
M. C. Hegdal