Ju I 22, 19W
The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in special session at the Jorgenson
Hotel at 12 noon Wednesday, July 22, 159, to consider the prel ie^iaary plat
of Paterson's Subdivision. The following were present: D. Comer, Dr. C.
6retzke, M. Hegdal, F. Hoei, J. Posers, E. Stearns, and Dr. A. Thompson.
Dr. Thompson reported that Peterson's Preliminary Plat was satisfactory except
for the possible drainage problems as outlined in the Engineer's report. Some
discussion was also held regarding Lot 4 which is set aside for Park area.
The following motion by Dr. Thompson was seconded by Mr. Comer and unanimously
4/The Hutchinson Planning Commission recommends to the City Council
that the PreIllinery Plat of Peterson's Subdivision of Part of Lot
87 Lynn Addition be approved subject to the following change:
Any land dedicated to the City for Park and Playground use
either be a cash deposit or a lot so deeded to the City that
I ts proceeds may be used for Park and Playground facilities
in the areao
Dr. Thompson and Mr. Hoel were appointed as a committee to study road possi-
bilities with the County Commissioners and make recommendations at the next
regular meeting.
Messrs. Comer and Hegdal were appointed as a committee to review the proposed
Zoning Ordinance and make recommendal-ions at the next regular meeting.
The members were all asked to study the Community Facilities Plan report prior
to the next meeting.
The meeting formally adjourned.
Mo C. Hegdal