June 15s 1959
The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in regular session at 7°30 P.M. on Mondays
June 159 1959, in the City Hall. Members present were: Bretzke, Hegdal, Hoels
Stearns and Torgrimson. Mr. Je Powers was also present.
Mayor Burich9 Councilmen D. Faber and SsSvendsev and City Engineer J. Bolton
were also present.
Mr. Bolton reviewed in detail the proposed procedural outline, Platting Ordinance,
He stated the procedure was identical to the provisions of the Sub -Division regu-
lations except that the cost estimate requirement in the Preliminary Report had
been omitted, After some discussion, the Council and the Planning Commission
agreed to follow this procedure for all future sub -divisions,
Mr. Bolton was asked for his comments regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance. He
requested additional time for review and agreed to report his recommendations back
to the Planning Commission.
At this point the Mayor, City, Engineer and Council members left the meeting.
The minutes of the May 189 110599 meeting were formally approved,
The secretary reported that letters had been sent to the following cities requesting
copies of their Zoning Ordinance: Alexandria, Anoka, Bemidji, Columbia Heights,
Crookston, Detroit Lakes, Fairmont, Hopkins, New Ulm, Owatonna, St. Peters Still-
water, Willmar, and Worthing�—To dafo,-cop-Yea Wa-dee�etved from those
underlined° Members were given copies to examine prior to the next Planning Commission
meeting and were also asked to exchange copies before the July meeting.
On motion by Hoe#, seconded by Torgrimson, and unanimously carried, it was agreed
to recommend to the City Council that the petition for a non -conforming permit to
allow Edward Mahs to operate a ,job printing establishment at his home located at
46 McLeod Avenue be aoproved.
The preliminary plat of Peterson's Sub -division and the Engineeros Preliminary
report on this preliminary plat were received and assigned to Dr. Thompson and
Mr. Torgrimson for study prior to the next meetings
The meeting formally adjourned.
M. Ce Hegdal