August 17, 1959
The Hutchinson Planning Commission met in regular session at 7130 P.M., Monday,
August 17, 1959, in the City Hall. The following were present: Dr. C. Bretzke,
D. Comer, M. Hegdal, F. Hoel, J. Powers, Dr. A. Thompson, and L. Torgrimeon.
Minutes of the July 22, 1959, were formally approvedo
Mr. Comer gave a report of his meeting with Messrs. Bolton and Powers regarding
the proposed Zoning Ordinance. The engineers feel the Zoning Ordinance as sub-
mitted is excessively long, too technical, and complicated, with some restrictions
which may be unreasonable or undesirable for the Hutchinson community. (Compli-
cated sections cited ware page 24 D-3 and page 27 0-3.) One recommendation for
serious cinsideration would be working out suitable off-street parking (possibly
a municipal parking area) in order to preserve a business district for Hutchinson
rather than creating outlying shopping districts. Rather than attempting to
rush adoption of the proposed Zoning Ordinance, it was recommended that further
study be made of the report and discussion meetings be held with Mr. Bolton,
Mr. Hawks and the Council.
After considerable discussion, it was agreed the Comer-Hegdal Committee continue
its study of the proposed Zoning Ordinance and report again at the next meeting®
(Mr. Bolton had promised Mr. Comer to obtain a copy of Mankato°s Zoning Ordinance
� for study, and the Secretary was instructed to obtain a copy of Alexandria"s
Zoning Ordinance which is reportedly near completion. The Secretary was also
asked to write the Leagsa of Minnesota Municipalities for possibBe Zoning Ordi-
nance forms for a community of 6000 to 8000 population®)
Dr. Thompson and Mr. Hoel reported on their discussion with the County regarding
community roads. There appears to be agreement that in time Linden Avenue will
become an East-West thoroughfare. For the present the school district will be
building roads on the north and west sides of the new school site property.
After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by
Or. Hocl and unanimously carried that the Planning Commission recommends to
the City Council that they investigate and acquire for future street use the
portions of dots needed at the intersection of Lynn Road and Linden Avenue for
the purpose of eliminating the street jog since future planning indicates this
will be an East-West thoroughfare.
Mr. Torgrimson agreed to check to see that the Planning Commis€tion members are
enrolled in the Minnebota Association of Planning Officials.
It was agreed the secretary would forward a copy of the Planning Commission
minutes to the editor of Minnesota Community Planning Newsletter whenever they
contained information which would likely be of interest to other planning groups.
Minutes ®2® August 17, 1999
Mr. Hegdal reported that Mayor Burich had requested the Planning Commission to
study house trailer regulations and determine whether to pr'pose a separate
ordinance or incorporate it as a part of the Zoning Ordinance. Members were
asked to study House Trailer Regulations - Selected Ordinances for discussion
at the next regu��meet� ing.
Discussion of the Community Facilities Plan report was postponed until the next
regular meeting.
The meeting formally adjourned.
49 A C. t;W-a-4
M. C. Heg al