02-15-1960 PCM cr
February 15, 1960
The Hutchinson Plenning Commission met in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30
Q.M., Monday, February 15, 1960. The following members were present: Dr. Bretzke,
M. Hegdal, F. Hoel, E. Stearns, and Dr. Thompson.
Minutes of the January 19 meeting were formally approved.
Mr. Hegdal gave the following report in behalf of the Zoning Ordinance Committees
"There appears to be general agreement that the proposed Zoning Ordirwince
is excessively tong and complicated, and incorporates restrictive measures
which may be unreasonable and undesirable for the Hutchinson community.
It appears to be written intentionally in great detail for making it fool
proof. Your committee feels that administration of the proposed ordinance
in Its present form would also appear extremely difficult and possibly not
in the Interest of the community.
"Your committee, therefore, recommends that we do not attempt to hold a
general meeting regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance at this time. We
suggest the following:
1. Make available the Master Plan with its recommendations just as soon
as humanly possible.
2. Allow the Planning Commission members an opportunity to study its
possibilities and ask each member to prepare a list of policy questions
for discussion. These questions should then be discussed and consoli-
dated into one single list.
3. Present copies of the Master plan and questions to each Council member
and the former city officials listed in the September 21, 1959, minutes,
Ask this group to prepare their views on the questions and either come
to a special Planning Commission meeting or present their reaction in
writing to the Planning Commission.
4. Planning Commission review the Master Plan and hopefully agree to
recommend its adoption.
Such action, if followed by adoption of the Master Plan, would probabiy simplify
restrictions in the proposed (or other) zoning ordinance as well as in other
completed studies.
"A few sample questions which your co.nmittee pould raise are:
I. What is the intelligent thing to do regarding off-street parking in
the business area?
(The proposed zoning ordinance is so restrictive, it could well destroy
the central business district. One answer would be to acquire property
to eE i m inate need.)
Minutes -2,_, February 15, 1960
2. What should be the policy regarding annexation of surrounding territory?
3. is it better to try to outline in great detail a zoning ordinance, sub-
division regulations, etc., or better to adopt some clearly stated
policies and hire a thoroughly qualified capable manager to carry out
these policies and be responsible to the City Counclf;'
After see discussion a motion was made by Dr. Thompson, seconded by /Ir. Hoel
and unanimously carried to approve the recommendations of the Zoning Committee.
Dr. Bretzke volunteered to write Mr. Hawks requesting immediate action on
delivery of the Master Plan and other remaining reports.
Dr. Thompson repor-?ed that the Tralier Ordinance Committee had met with the City
Attorney who advised that the Enforcement Section and Parking of trailer coaches
in accessory garvges or back yard: be revised. After some discussion, It was
agreed the committee would make the suggested revisions and report back at the
next meeting.
The Secretary reported that to date reports relative to the five year capitol
Improvements program had been received from only the following city groups:
Hutchinson Civic and Commerce Association, Hutchinson Utilities Commission,
and Hutchinson Pubtic Schools.
It was, therefore, agreed to table this subject until a report is received from
the City Council.
Mrs. Stearns reported that the Engineers report and accompanying plats of the
Southview Addition had not been received by the committee, Action was, there-
fore, postponed until the next meeting.
In accordance with Section III of Ordinance 208 the etection of officers for
the coming year was held.
A motion was rade by Mr. Hoel and seconded by Mrs. Stearns that the present
officers be eeelected for another -q'erm. As a result of the vote (3 - yes, and
2 - no) the following officers were reelected:
Chairman - Dr. C. Bretzke
Vice Chairman - D. 0. Coiner
Secretary - M. C. Hegdal
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
M. C. HegdaI