07-18-1960 PCM c10TOBDISON PL&Nlrl-?G C rffSSI�''�
July 189- i960
"iiie regr,lar meeting of the Hutchinson Planning commission was held
on Monday, July 18, 19;O, at 7; 30 P.M. in the City Hall. Present were
Dr. r-.retzi;e, Com(,r, r7i?-rall, Thomuson, Stearns, and Notman from the LEADER.
The meeti.n�7 1;egai, with discussion of the fnlloi,ri'-iV, plats;
1. LOT "G" - On a motion made Mr. Coner, seconded y -H�ngrall,
this plat was recommended for accentance by the !,i'- ^,o.,,,cil with
the provision that land be deeded for rark an.i �)Iay;n)une nurcoses
in accordance with past policies.
2. WILLAR.D' S ADDITION - Mr. Comer made t.h(,. moti- on, seconded ) j,
Engwall, that the Planning Gan rdssion recomneruo accent ar►cr! of tris
Plat by the City Council with the stinula-dor. th ',nopro-
vide assurance to the City Council that. arieq.i3t- has c -n
crovided, and if it has not, that the sit6divirier .-c r -.,,ilii -ed t/ -
vide storm sewer to assure adeouate drainage.
3. 'aATJT,RIS iDDI'.rTON - Comer made the io-..inn, Seco, dcd t. 171-.
Thornrson, that al)proval of the final plan, if, tritti.neln f.- `:rte i'o:.-
lowing reasons;
a. It is not in proper form.
b. Its practibility and fe-a-3i. _11L -v i-, vs- o, r!on-
mended by the Engineer.
c. The question :mist be clr:ar, d ,,r i:1; t•i'nc�
drainage and adequate otrtlel,.
d. In addition, the nro: il�r. : s.: _ < r. ; , . f> r
not the City Council and +.he '-1 + 1 -
accept a plit with so m<nxy u,. t'• _ ir. 't
di':,ion that caruiot be scry iced
4. LARSON IS AD )ITIOh - Comer moved,
recommend accertance of this 1.1^.t tri i '. i, - r
for narks and ^layground.
Mrs. F401tir r;uenl ruid Jay Alri_c',, oil1 �e:r,i�.�, t: '•'_-c and Coor=eroe,
were ,,resent to ;tiscuss downto:.n narking. '.ru.iems. They are to take various
,T.,,entions for fin.a;cirig or a:.levi2.tinE this problem to their organization
a.-,.-! ~e -ort . r c•; V.', t. -,p Plac.rii Commissiore
if�re wa_ di-a,sion if the oronose:'. Drdi:.ance, and an unanimous
co;se.;sus of cni- ion that• the need for a City ?-,Finerr, Ci',,r Manager, or some
t1r.)e of permanent professional administra .or ti: F -re- t.
Dr. 'i'hompson moved, and Corvnr seconded, !•i, t tti- 1 .rig ;or- Lission
recommend the acceptance of the ihorout;hfarA Aan (?I• t.= , w�- re-
hensive Plan) and that this plan be du-1ic-.ed .-•y to., 3_* ,n -ineer .UV -1
a copy filed with the County Engineer and thr jr—is-L— r 'a;.- a ::1 that
,he County Engineer submit this map to Live Coun`y
There being no further business, the meeting was ari, ^rlrrred.
Ethne Stearns, Secretary