Minutes August 15, 1960
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was
held on Monday, August 15, at 7:30 P.P., in the City gall. Present
were Dr. Bretzke, D. Comer, F. Hoel, G.#nra11, F. Stearns, J. Powers,
and Notman of the LEADER.
The minutesof the July meeting were read and a,_. -,roved after a
correction in the last paragraph, changing "Registrar" to "Registers,
Mr. Zngwall was asked to check on whether funds received by the
city from sale of land deeded to the city - or in lieu of deeded land -
were nut into separate fn.nds dedic-ted toward the purchase of parks or
olaygrounr'_s in various areas.
The various parties interested in the nla,s discussed at the
July 18 meeting were present to go over them wit.,) the Planning Commission.
,44LLERIS ADDITIOPI - Present were Mr. .1a11rr arid Nrs. Roy Madson.
Mr. Comer made the motion, seconded by 1,:% Hoej_, that this pl,.t, contain-
ing twelve lots, be recommended for an-roval hir the City ;ouncil, on con-
dition that tre engineer su rdt a written rer)o_•t recommending its nracti
bility and feasibility as submitted, arid - n)vided that, the 'ouncil, after
investigating Lot 10, determines whether or not Lot 10 satisfies the re-
quirement under the Subdivsion Ordinance for narks and nlaygrourr3s, inas-
much as it cannot be serviced by sanitary sewer. The notion was a-)rroved.
LOT "G" - Al Schott and Harold Juul were prezent. "die discussion
involved the fact that mostof these lots are zoned industrial, but this
does not lose sight of the fact that there are residential tots in this
plat. Mr. Engwall made the motion that ai . rov.al of this pla,, be recom-
mended, provided that the Council feels that the 5% stinul•I ion required
with residential lots for parks and playgrounds has been met. Seconded
and approved.
WILLARD'S ADDITION - Mr. Willard was present. Mr. noel moved
seconded b ,
,y Mr. Comer, that the Planning Corrr^ission recorunend acceptance
Of this plat on condition that Imo'. Willard make a coi-nitment to comply
with Section 9, sbudivision I, of the Subdivision Ordinance, and that the
engineer provide the City Council with a recommendation that the under-
taking of the subdivider will comply with the Ordinance, Sec"ion 9, sub-
division I, and as a part of the subdivider's undertaking, that he commit
himself not to sell lots on 10th Ave. until +he lots are properly drained.
LARSON'S ADDITION - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Larson were present. The
question of deeding land to the city came under discussion, with the pre-
vious approval reiterated without question except for this matter. W
There was discussion of the engineer's findimg it difficult to serve
the best interests of Loth the city and the developers. There is a ques-
tion whether any subdivision aught to be approved until the storm sewer
situation has peen remedied.
There was also discussion of possible amendment to the Subdivision
Ordinance, spelling out more clearly the 5% requirement of land for narks
or playgrounds, or the alternative of a cash requirement.
Ethne Stearns, Secretary