Minutes September 191,1960
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Gomod asion was held on
Monday, Sentember 19, 1960, at 7:30 P.M.., in the City Mali. ?resent were Dr.
Bretzke, D. Comer, Dr. Thompson, E. Stearns, Jack Pomsre, IMd Mr. Notman.
The minutes of the August 15 meeting were approrad as read.
Dr. .'retzke reported that Jay Alrick, president of the Civic and Oanmteross
had turned the parkin; suggestions over to the Downtown Commercial committee.
Non -conforming Permit - Mrs. Mavis Rasmussen. Dr. Thompson moved, and
D. Comer seconded, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Mrs. Mavis
Rasmussen's request for a non -conforming permit to operate a beauty shop in her
home at 534 Clark St, petition signed by 100% of the property owners within a
300 -foot radius. Approved.
There was discussion of whether or not to ask for further services of
Mr. Hawks, professional planning eonaultant. The outcome of this discussion was
the following motion, made by D. Comer, seconded by Dr. Thompson, and approved:
..J%e City Planning Commission, at present being confronted with the
need'for requesting payment of U200 -,-g500 annually for the services of
a consulting city planning engineer, feels that it will be necessary for
the City Council to furnish this consulting service unless the City under-
takes to employ a full-time, qualified city engineer in the nature of a
city manager •,rico could advise with the Planning Commission, The Planning
Commission strongly recommends that such a full-time city engineer be em-
ployed immediately, and that the finds requested by the City Planning Gm -
mission for consultinf; services be considered a part of the compensation
to be paid such ar engineer, since it appears that the fill -time engineer
who should exercise the duties of a cit,
r managed would be of great assis-
tance in solving many of the major prot)lems now being handled by the City
Council as well %s the Planning Commission.
Jack Pouers nresented the request of the Goebel Fixture Company to extend
their present building to the north lot line. The Planning Commission recommen(ts
returning the request of the Goebel Fixture Company to the City Council without
further action because it has peen an -roved by the City Engineer as complying;
with the Zoning Ordinance, and as such is the case, no right to appeal has arisen.
J. Powers reported on the Councills action on the Waller Addition, subse-
quent to the planning Commission's final approval. This was appreciated since
the Pla ring Comyrission sometimes receives no notification of the City Council's
actions on its recomme�ad-at ions except through the Hutchinson LEADER.
The Planning Goix-a ssioa a: proved the secretary's request for a requisition
from the Pla:ls-iing Cozm,,iission budget for a three -drawer file.
The secretary was requested to find examples from the Subdivision Ordin-
i anoes of other cities which might serve as models in clarifying the 514 require-
ment for park and playground use in our Suodivision Ordinance.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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