10-17-1960 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANFINa OO?fffSSION Minutes October 17, 1960 The regular meeting of the Hutchirtison Planning Comdasion was held on Monday, October 17, at 7:30 P.1'., in the City Hall. Present were Dr. Pretzke, Comer, Hoel, Torrrimson, i'homnson, Engwall, and Stearns of the Plannins- Corinission; !4ayor urich, Falconer, Svendsen, Keefe, attorney, !3olton and Pourers, enrine,�rs, of the City Council, and Notman, reporter. Mr. Meyerson, attorney, appeared to question the legality of the exis- tence of the Plannini- Corvission by question of the legality of the laws under which we are operat,ii�g. S i Jensen anneared in ehalf of his petition to zone his property co:rnFrcial insteaq of re�:iderti.31 in order to operate a court for mobile homeq. There was discussion of whether the city night at some time wish to ex^and the cemptery it this direction, or whether or not this nronerty would be suitable for residential development. Torgrimson moved, seconded by Eng - wall, that the Plan`ang Commission recommend approval of this petition. Ap- proved. Ed Gavin, attorney, a,ineared in behalf of the Larson asking that City maxe a concrete nronosal in writing with respect to the 5q to be to the city for narks and playgrounds. STMDI VISI014 The question of the practicality of the points by which the secretary of the Planning Oormdo ion approves the form of a Final Plat was discussed. Mr. Bolton said that realistic requirements for the Final Plat. might be only whether or not it cods to the Preliminary Plat and includes recommended changes whioh have been approved by the City Council. On this point there wou]404ave to be amendment or revision of the present Subdivision Ordinance. presented his Mr. Comer said titat the objective of the City and the Planning Oamdesion was the u�:t, le?