_Dec%aber 19, 1960
The Hutc:Li nson Planning Corrriission held its regular meeting on Mon-
da,yj December 19, 1960, at 7;30 P.M., in the City Hall. Present were
Dr. Rretzke, Comer, Hoel, Mrs. Stearns, and Don McKinnon, rerorte.r.
Since the meeting of Novemr)er 21 was unofficial, the minuses of the
meeting of October 17 were read and arproved.
NON -00 -1 -?FORMING PrRMIT - A petition of Margaret Dascher (1Ars. John)
to use her rented dwelling for income tax work from January - April 15 was
presented with ;;he necessary nuraber of signatures. Mr. Hoel moved, and
Comer seconded a motion that the Planning Commission recommend acceptance
of this non -conforming- permit. An -proved.
SOITTuVIEW ADDITION - Jack Powers nresented the plat of the Southview
addition for final a-�rroval of the Planning Co,-Vo,
Mr. Comer made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend final
approval of this subdivision r)lat on condition that the engineer furnish a
written recomr endation to the City Council as to its prra.ctibility and feasi-
bility together with assurance that it will ':.e develo�d only east of Sunset
until adequate drainage is possible for the remainder; and that s w men
statement be confirmed and acknowledged by the developers; and that Lot 3
be recorded as deeded to the City. Hoel seconded. Approved.
The secretary was directed to send letters to the members of the Plan-
ning Commission requesting that they stud7 the proposed Zoning Ordinance
and prepare policy questions. These -)olicy questions will be discussed
and consolidated a,-- the meeting on January 16, 1961.
There was discussion of public relations and the need for public interest
and understanding of the work of the Planning Commission. Possible ways of
reaching groups with the cor,rehensive, over-all ideas behind zoning, the
subdivi; ion ordina:xi, grid narkirg, for instance, were discussed. The neces-
sity of -ettinc the `—li-gs, ideas, and und^rstandiryq of rhe rut-lic was
s tres0 ec?.
r i r -re be:i:i, further . usiriess, the meetinr, gra^ adjourned,
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Rine Stearns