02-21-1961 PCM crn�.ruary 21, 1961 Miuutea The re ;noeA, of *ba %tchinson Plazr::._:sg t,�,.�-ni4s`:on was held an 'l�esdTh Febru .ry 21, at 7:3Q P.y., in the City !fall. prr.sent were Ur. �retzke, Comer., Hoel, TorK���p Dr. Thcx'Paon, Corson, 5 -„warns, Y%ti.'Fr; and ',otman. your letters were read. Two Peened to the question of the Pla Odllg Commission regarding policy frith respect ,.o isse: sment of industrial nrooerty rounds. Both the letters from � Mr. uawks and the Leue of for parks and p1ayg Municipalities said that it was beyond the intent of the statute to include industrial properties in such an assessment. A letter from Mayor Burieh was read concernir>g the noss�_bility of set- ting up several joint meeti'119s w'! th thr City ()ounaii Dx'0 the Planning CoDr-is- sion to discuss accertance of the Comprehensive Lauri Use pian an( the nroposed 7,oning Ordinance. John Keefe, city attorney, sent a letter to the Plan,dng Cor,Liission re- questing immediate action on the Plan'riz g Commissions s recorzkondation of the Coma_ reheisive Plan, so that the City (',ouncil may accept it and initiate pub- lic hearings. Dr. Thomnson moved, and -!oel seconded, that the bill from W. Hawks for 53.50 be allowed and raid b,r the City Council from the Planning; Commission budget. Apnroved. ti There was discussion of the acceptance of t: e Comi)rehensive TAnd fee MSD . It was felt it could be recommended for acceptance with reservations, however, in three areas in which chant -es have occurred si ce the drawing up of the original map. 1. In the thoroughfare plan, the major question concerns the feasi- bility of Lake Streetts ever becoedng a major thoroughfare, and extending north over the river. The existing buildings on this street do not allow widening of the road. The alternative of develoning the road west of the ^ew hi�-� school site into a major north -south thoroughfare was discussed. The secre-.aryr was instructed to write to the school board advising them o'' t :is T�ocsibili'”, _ waic.. has been suggested by the engineers. 2. Jack Powers presented a Zoning Man, brourn ur to date, »pith all non -conforming uses marked. Since there are so :nary discre-ancies between zoning uses as they exist and oronosed zoning, it was felt that unqualified acceptance of the Land Use Plan with res,,ect to zor.inF: was unrealistic. 3. With respect to Parks and playgrounds, all rronosed narks anc' playgrounds as marked on this map are acce>>ted, with r.he only nxcepl.ion neces- sitati^, a new ,park site south of the Sout'.view addition, which was desig-s3ted on the origin, map as a park area. With resect to amendments to the Subdivi^ on Ordinance, two changes ,.� were discussed: a. a more realistic requirement for thfa Pla nin,� Ccvm: issionl s final acceptance of a -late b. a more detailed spelling out. of the 5.-, requirenent for . rkc and :;1ayZrounds. (J'crjmi3!� .cn I rvAt*-v -e- Vin !?r2`e<<.'<'T was r--(r.-Gated to c�-nuri.icaG' "'. "JT'J :Oc+.i1C'17 Of '4C tidZt- �rp i&rch 6, being sc%-'• s J '. Jz, i•F t:o:- :r r. :.g bn :11t3 -N-ty Coun--il and the Ethne .tearns 3ecre': -AX7 L -) 4-c,4""