03-06-1961 PCM c.04W � 7. I �� iii PLA13t1T 'r CLOMMISSI011 Minutes - Joint Meeting March 6, 1961 A joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning Corr Fission was held on Monday, March 6, in t,ie City Hall at 7:30 P.1•1. Present from the Council were Mayor burich, City Admirdstrator Glen F�1Kwall, mid Daggett, Don Falconer, Attorney Keefe, and Eif;ineer Powers. Present from the Planning Commission were Dr. Bretzke, Comer, Hoel, Dr. ihomnson, and Airs. Stearns. Dr. T-3retzke opened the meeting with the Question: Is our present zoning ordinance adequate? If not, uhat should we have? The chief argument involves diversity of opinion on "flexible" or r'detailed.11 The council ambers present afYreed the problems with ttre present, ordin- ance exist in: constant zoning changes, absence of a board of zoninv, anneals, lack of enforcemerit, too much lift to the Council's discretion, and nroblems with non-conlorrdng nerrliss. A yearly license rectuirement for those desiring non -conforming permits or renewal was su_gcested both as a means of control and as a mmall source of revenue. PARKIN..^. - 14r. Comer said that in his o -pinion off-street parking as nronosed for the Central Business District would ruin Hutchinson's Main Street if it, is set up accordini; to ",e formula based on souare footage of fluor space of bui-ding in 7awks, zoning ordinance. A basic question is should the city or the businesses -,-)rovide oarkinp. A general cortseizus of oninioi: seemed to be that the city sho.?ld nrovide mird.mum narkinf!, and busLiesses desir-'ag more space si�ould individua.11y or co-onera,ively mare further nrivisions on ..heir own. After discussio, , Comer made t ie following motion, seovnded by Dr. Thomason, and .rm.•oveds The Planniner Commission recommends acceptance by the City Council of the ria» of the thoroughfare plan as drawn up in the Compreiieii;Ave I ejui Use Plan, which should also incorporate the parks and playgro=zds rleM; and that -there should be two exceptions; 1. the north- south }lighwky designated on the may as an extension of Lake street shall b - changed to a north -south mute running west of the new high school site; 2. the nark area desir•nated on the man, which is now the Southview addi- tion, shall be :.larked directly south on the other side of Linden Ave. Mr. Enpwall was directed to exn'_ai.n this man of the roads and narks to the township boards, T)­�:rticul-.rlv notinj, the nark areas on - he soutil side of the river to t}:e T,ynn Town board. There wi? 1 ,, ,� no regular meet,inr, of t e Putdiinson Planning ro,,L fission on Monday, March 20, so that any !,embers wtw erre ar>le rqay at',end the planning Course at the Urdversity Continuation Center on that date. Ethne Stearns, Secretary