04-17-1961 PCM cNiontes April 170 ]x}61
The regular mretirg of the Hatcainson Planning Otandasirom was Loki issdW#
April 17, at 7:30 P.K., is the City Hall. present were Dr. awtoke, Dr. SNO4SM,
Tbrgrimsoa, Beal, Stearas, "r Burich, Mogarall, Pswerst sad Leefie.
Xjnates of the joint me" with the City Council on WXch 6 were read mad
P'Z=OUS FM ZONING C&UM - 1. Jars Reid was present to discuss his petition
for ahangi.ag Lot 5, Bloch 11, from residential to commercial in order to trent a
residential - etfios batldisg.
There was discussion regarding: a. Wbether or not the existing soniag
erdiasnoe requires a public hearing in such cases; b. Paiidag faailitiesi
o. Whether or not there are nay specifications requiring fire safety, an arehi-
test, etc., for enoh a oanrroial building.
Dr. Thsapson ands a notion, seconded by Hool, to reooesead approval of
Mr. Raid's petition to the City Council. Approved.
2. Leonard Schnickelm and mr. Richards appeared in behalf of their petition
to change Lots 1 and 2, Block 32, from residential to commercial for the purpose
of erecting a bank.
Heal moved, and Dar. 'ihompeca seconded, that the Planning Oooiission r000mend
approTal of this petition to the City Council. Approved.
A discussion of whether or not there should be any further coma roW isation
of property on Main St., at any point south of the Faith Latheran and Congregational
ehorok oorasrs, seemed unfavorable. It was felt further expansion of the business
district might go east and vast.
Mg-OOMMM pRVQT - Tergriasen moved, seconded by Hoel, that the Planning 0M
mission reocam nd approval to tks City Council of (Alun Swinson's request to oon-
timse his bait business at 190 - 4th Ave. H.Y. under a men-eontorming permit.
TDrgriason suggested that ex efficio members of the Prlaaming Oseaission
might be included livm Hatahlason's surrounding townships. The secretary was in-
structed to write letters to.the four town boards asking for a representative to
attend P.C. meetings which specifically involve their areas - or wW meeting.
The secretary was also instructed to write to the Sahool Board consuming
its opinion on the matter of asking Linden Ave, and its extension vast a major
thoroughfare (4 rods) and acesss to the high-sokool site.
John Keefe read the Attermey General's favorable opinion an the legality of
a sityts planning for a T1s radius outside tine city limits.
It was decided the City sight accept the Oomprekessive Ylan within the Sint
limits and consider the eatl log areas in sections. As a start OR this, the see-
- rotary was asked to isoits the Tin Town board to the MW meeting of the P.C.
Join [cotswildsd aatmd+menta and chromes iSub
s the division
OaNimwo, ► w pi:p
Planning Comrission Minutes -2- April 17,9
Lloyd Trorgrinson moved and Hoel seconded the motion that the following
members be elected as officers of the Planning Commission for the coming year:
Chairman: Dr. Carl Bretzke
Vice Chmn: Dr. A. J. Thompson
Seely: Mrs. Ned Stearns
A, -proved.
Torgrimson moved, and Dr. Thompson seconded, that the secretary be authorized
to sign the revised plat of the Southviex addition. Approved.
Dr. Thompson made a motion, seconded by Torgrimson, that the secretary be
authorized to sign the final plat of Lot "G", Approved.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.