July 17, 1961
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Plarming Commission was held on
Monday, July 17, at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. Present were Dr. Bretzke,
Carlson, Corson, Dr. Thompson, Hoel, Stearns, and Ed Duesterhoeft of Lynn.
PETITIONS - Francis Connelly - To change zoning of south 200 feet of Lot 6,
Block 11, and Lot 12 of Block 10, Hatohinson, north half, from residential
to commercial. Dr. Thompson moved that tune planning Commission recomaend to
the City Council that expansion of the trailer parking into Lot 6 of Block 11
be denied. Carlson seconded. Approved.
Questions were raised on enforcement of the Trailer Ordinance, and Sec-
tion 6 of the Ordinance was noted.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ranzau - son -conforming permit to operate sales,
rental, and service of Lindsay water softerners at 870 Grove S. Carlson made
the motion that the Planning Commission recommend acceptance of this noncon-
forming permit. Hoel seconded the motion. Approved.
Mr. Carlson reported on meetings concerning the acquisition of right-of-
way for the road to the new high school.
Miss Otterness, representing the BPW, has asked to appear at the August
meeting of the Planning Commission.
A public hearing having been called for 8 P.M. with respect to two con-
flicting petitions regarding the commercialization of the lot east of the
Super Valu, eight homeowners appeared against and two businessmen for.
AGAINST - The present lot does not provide only short-term parking, but
quite often all -day parking. This is aggravated by the fact that most of
the parking facilities of the business district are now concentrated in the
south and with few in the north. The new site of the First National Bank
will also provide additional parking for the south. I. Schirber, in pointing
out some of these facts,also indicated the willingness of the residents to co-
operate when the parking problem in this area becomes critical, but the feeling
is that such is now now the case.
FOR - W. Wingson indicated a willingness to change his application for a
sowing change to a non -conforming permit, but this was not acceptable to the
hmeowners. He said he w-_,uld be urilling to put up barricades in the evening
to prevent Qse of the par. king 1 f)t at ni4ht.
'i'he hearing ad;;rnirned at 6:30.
After furrher rd scusdion, Or. thcupson made the motion that the plun-
uing Comm asion recamr-�,t_-L' to the u.t.y Ow -roti I that, tie property a& -.;t of the
Sapp: Valu be scned cor7ercia]., iiuiam+eh aur it W" boon estsOnlietied policy
.,f V)e Flaming privatt buelmse by Pwtouragod to pr -nde
parkas& a4d s.ir.ra the p,..s�:r.:�r�. ^�o�-k�aatur. .f.s looki.ug :o tba ,batLre growth of
t bpzll ,Mss diet-ri.ct. t i,f:^.:nJid tw ajti.=.. Appmvrd by a rote of 3 to 2..
P1awL g Commission )tnutes -2- July 17,9 1961
It was suggested that the dust problem might to alleviated by blacktop -
ping the alley behind the Super Valu.
Levi Tupa, the representative of Hutchinson township., appeared with
Ed Bernhagen, who is platting some of his property, and wished to ascertain
whether or not he is conforming with the perimeter planning of the city.
There was discussion of the prot)osed bypass of Swy. 7 as it is drawn
on the map of the Comprehensive Plan, and Mr. Hoel was directed to talk with
the engineer on moving the proposed highway aboltt one mile north to follow
the section lines.
Lawrence Wendorff and Walter Tewes of Acama Township were nresent and
discussed the roads in their area.
There being no further business the meetinp, was adj(mrned.
Ethne Stearga, Secretary