08-21-1961 PCM c1 .YJ 1'�:.si.'ivi111 PLA!(NIlit} a13$iI5'. '')ti ?Minutes August 21., 1961 The ragnlar meshing of tbo ffttohinxon Planning Oum{ anion was held Monday.. AVAPtst 21, at 7130 P.M., in the City Rall. Present were Dr. Bretake, Torgrimon, Carlson, Carson, sad Stearns. The Samoan Valley township board was nresent, and Da*aterhoeft of Lynn, Tsps of Mitchinson, and 2aweo of Aoma. Discussion with Abe Hassan V&Uey board was cone^r nsd primarily with the pro- posed bypass of Hwy 15 mouth and east of the eitjr. The southern portion was ques- tioned as cutting across farmland which would be expensive to aoquire. The board was asked to look over the W and report at the. September meeting with any correc- tions or suggestions. Eiutc}Linoon township - Mr. Tom► inquired about the width of a road to be con- structed near Dooleyts gardens. ye Kae referred to the city engineer. Lynn township - marl McDonald and Arnold Witte appeared with plans for a trailer axirt of 131 acres for 110 trailers to be situated on McDonald's property on the south bank of the river. There was R gpseation of the location of the east - most road along the river. W. Witte and Mr. McDonald left. The siiautes of the meeting of ,lily 17 were read and approved. During a discussion of the proposed trailer court, Mr. Duesterhoeft made the following nointat 1. Who will build the road? 2. The average trailer pays $60 taxes. Of this, $ j0 goes to the school district, $18 to the township, and the remainder to county and state. 3. The population of tb* trailer court would constitute a large bl:•c in township roti,nq. 11. Char" this area now zoned residential to comercial would rewire a public bearing. 5. Sewer and drairwsge adequate? AS A 4ATTSR OF RBOOeZD, TFM I*.EMERa OF THK PLANNING aDMMISSIOA UNANIMTJSLy UP - POSED 7M OONSTRUCTION OF A TRAILER 00 LIRT ON THE SOUTH BANK OF THE RIVCR BECAUSE THBRE IS *) COM"RCIAL ZME PLAMR'D FOR THIS ARBA IN THE ODMPREHRNS?VE PIAN. Dr. Bratsk* reported the Planning Commission has been, asie d te, consider an airport site on the. 0omprehensive Plan. Zoning will be discussed again at the September meeting. There being no further busi an, the meeting was adjournr-d. _`t.wa 3, -:l rlF , =,....,.,,t,