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September 18, 1961
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held Monday,
September 182 at 7=30 P.M. in the City Hall. Present were Dr. Bretzke, Hoel, Carlson,
Dr. Thompson, Engwall, Powers, and Stearns. The townships were represented by
Dallman, Dressel, Tupa, and Enevoldsen.
The minutes of the meeting of August 21 were read and approved.
Lynn township - Mr. Enevoldsen reported that Earl McDonald wishes to have
a meeting with the Lynn township board, a trailer court planner, a state sanita-
tion engineer, and a member, or members, of the Planning Corrrrdssion.
Hassan Valley - Mr. Dressel confirmed the discussion of the previous month
on the proposed southeast bypass of Hwy. 1,5. Jack Powers will record the sug-
gested change on the map.
Hutchinson and Acoma - Mr. Dallman and Mr. Tupa discussed the proposed
north bypass of Hwy 7 as it goes through Hutchinson and Acorea townships.
These suggested highway bypass locations are to be recorded on the PlAnning
Map and sent to the state highway department for approval.
PETITIONS - Cecil and Jennie Oonquest, Dr. Thompson moved, and Hoel seconded,
That the Planning Oommission recommend to the City Council that the Conquestsl
petition to rezone from residential to commercial Lot 3, Block -3., of Nyberg's
Third Addition, for the purpose of erecting a four -family dwelling be denied.
Merickel. Dr. Thompson made the motion that the petition of Elmer
Ilerickel to rezone Lots 9, 10, -And 4 Block 2, of Waller's .4ddition, from resi-
dential to commercial for the purpose of erecting a four -family dwelling be
recommended to the City 0ouncil for approval. Hoel seconded. Approved.
Korngiebel. Mr. Carlson made the mo -,ion that the Planning Com-
rzssio:. recorm3a-na��iFe City Council that Korngiebel's petition to rezone
Lot 4, Block 143, north half of city, from commercial to industrial be approved.
Stearns seconded. Approved.
NYB ERG'S FOURTH ADDITION - Dr. Thompson made a motion that the Planning
Commission reaffirm its recommendation for approval (first approved March 16, 1959)
of the Preliminary Plat of Nyberg►s Fourth Addition, since all objections have
been met and Lot will be deeded to the city for parks and playgrounds. Carlson
seconded. Approve
A discussion of the cityrs purchase of land for parks and playgrounds in
various areas of the city followed. The Planning Commission will invite the
Recreation Board to the meeting in October to hear their recommendations.
Jack Powers discussed toe extension of Linden Ave. to the new high-school site.
Dr. Bretzke and Charles Carlson are named as a committee to go over the pro-
posed Zoning Ordinance with a view to cutting it down and simplifying it.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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