10-30-1961-11-20-1961 PCM cy
�1'iGrZMs�ri n Al m.NG lin ISSION
October )p 1961
A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Comission was held at.
7:00 P.M. on Monda3+, October 3+i.9 in the City Hall. Present, were Dr. 3retzke,
Dr. Thompson, Hoel, Tbrgrivnscn, Carlson, Mrs. Stearns, E,ng-ball, powers, Keefev
and ICV. Marqu&rdt.
The ?,urpose of the :meeting; was to ro over nage by page Lhe proposed
Zoning Ordinance. Mrs. Marquardt, who is to type the revised version, took
note�o _
City Attorney Keefe made the r)oint -..hat there is a di stinc7 ion between
an official Zoning Map and the comprehensive Plan.
jack Powers will have a Zoning Map ready for the *lovember meeting.
The meeting adjourned at zi P.M.
Novenber 20, 1961
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Corrmi
ssion was held on
Monday, November 20, at 7:30 P.M. in the City ?-fall. Present weand re
1e . reftke,
Carlson, Hoel Corson, YXs. Stearns, Enewall, Powers, Tup ,
McDonald had made no further moves toward
Mr. Duesterhoeft reported that
establishing his trailer court.
.nor changes in the revised Zoniruv Ordinance were made, with a cRiestion
raised on the requirement of a certificate of Occupancy.
It was decided that the next move should be to distribute conics of
the revised. Ordirm nos to those people w. o would be most affected by it or
interested in it. These include the board of the Civic and Commerce, con-
tractors, City Council members, the Park Board, the city building, pluirbing,
and electrical inspectors, the two oarks, an(i the Federal Saving?s and Loan.
Copies of uhe reprised, proposed ordinance will be available at the
city Clerk's office for these people, whose corwients will be invited at the
December meeting of the Planning Commission.
Dr. aretzke appoin,.ed Mr. Hoel., Mrs. Stearns, and Mr. Yow-�re, to corre-
late the Zoning Map to the proposed Zoning; Ordinance.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.