05-15-1961 PCM cMNMINSO?i PULN1•41% COW", SION
my 15, 1961
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Cormrission was held on
Mondays May 159 at 7:30 P.M.# in the pity Ball. Present were Dr. Bretzke,
Torgrimson, Oorson, Carlson, Stearns, Hbgwall, and Powers. Levi Tupa, repre-
senting Hutchinson township, and Art Dobratz were present; also Eldor n.11man
of Acoma township, and four members of the Lynn town board.
The proposed roads and park areas in Iynn township were explained, and
the Lynn town board will study the Comprehensive Plan for their area.
The Hutchinson township board will be invited to the June meeting.
Dr. Bretzke welcomed charley Carlson as the new member of the planning
The minutes of the meting of April 17 were read and approved.
PLTITION FOR ANNEXATION - After discussion, the Planning Cowdssion decided to
adopt as policy that any lands petitioned for annexation to the city be reviewed
by the commission from the point of information and establishment of zona.
With respect to the petition for annexation of the property of Hutchin-
son Associates, Inc., (bounded by Larson Ste on the east, "Roberts Road,- on the
south, Larson Addition on the north, and Merrill property on the west), Torgrim-
�, son moved, and Oorson seconded, that the Planning Gommi.ssion recommend approval
of the annexation to the City Council, and that it be zoned residential in con-
formanos with the Comprehensive Plan. Approved.
NON-OONFORKING PERHIT - Ra"Py Popp, to operate electrical business at 875 Grove S.
Since the city engineer had examined this request and found it to be in proper form,
Corson made the motion that it be recommended for approval. Torgrimson seconded.
LAMSLL OTTO - Move building. Non -conforming permit. Carlson moved, and Corson
seoonded the motion that the planning Commission recommend denial of these peti-
tions on the basis of inadequacy of signatures. Approved.
RUONING - Lloyd Johnson's Motel. Finding this petition to be in proper form,
Tbrgrimson moved that the planning Oommission recommend approval of zoning two
lots to the west of Culligants on Highway 7 commercial for the purpose of build-
ing a motel. Carlson seconded. Approved.
The secretary was directed to write to the City Council requesting that
an item of $250 be included in the city's budget for the Planning commission's
expenses for 1961-1962.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
May 16, 1961
To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Hutchinson:
The Hutchinson Planning Commission respect-
fully requests that the City Council consider includ-
ing in its budget for 1961 - 1962 an item of $250 to
be used for expenses of the Planning Commission. This
figure approximates the sum for which we asked this
past year.
Sincerely yours,