04-18-1961 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLA,` . TNG C0W..I5SI 1''
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Com-ission was
held on Monday, April 18, at 7:30 in the City wall. Present
were Bmtzke, Torgrinson, Stearns, Powers, and Larry Notman from
the MUM.
Since a guvivm was not present, there w+aC no official business
Lyle Johnson, representing the Franklin St. Baptist congrega-
tion, inquired for what possible uses the property on which the
old church is standing may be sold.
During a general discussion, the following points and'sug-
gestions were made;
1. The Planning Omodssion will need more professional
help from now on to efficiently realise the Ccmtprehewire
r Plan.
�- 2. At some time the Planning Commission might become a
central information center for all civic bodies with per-
haps a regular bulletin as an instrument.
3. We need a new member.
Ethne Stearns