Jammaary 15, 1962
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held on
Mondays Jarvaary 15, at 700 P.M. in the City Hall. All members of the Plan-
ning Commission were present except Ho l- T Mgoor{,oand
ns membnd ers of the
Council, were also presents and Ingx , s
Hutchinson township was present.
The minutes of the December 18 meeting were approved as read.
The petition of Mrs. Florentine Lattner to move a house, which had been
tabled at the December meeting, was withdrawn•
CATION - After questions and discussion, Dr. 'Thompson made the motion,
seconded by Torgrinson, that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the
City Council of the petition of James and Annabel Reid to annex to the city of
Hutchinson the Oak Park Addition, and the Second Addition to the Oak Park addi-
tion. Approved.
OA$DAL$ SUBDIVISION - A hearing having been called for eight o'clock on the
Oakdale subdivision, Iry Burich and Don Peterson appeared. The engineer's
report stated that the plan was practical and feasible.
After questions regarding watermain plans, which involved assessing prob-
lem., storm sewer, utility easements, and sufficient right-of-way for future
sidewalk along the school road, Dr. Thompson made the motion that the Planning
Commission recon end approval of the Oakdale subdivision to the City Council,
with the alternate plan for watermains and the mutually agreed upon figure of
$1300 for parks and playgrounds. Carlson seconded. Approved.
WN M, ORDINANCE - Cecil. Conquest, John Froemmings and Roger Zajicek appeared
in response to invitations to discuss the proposed Zoning Ordinance. General
remarks indicated notice of its unusual length and more restrictions, but that
it was "good for the community."
Specific changes made in response to questions and discussion were:
1. Change p. 6 No. 43 to read ...."repairs are permitted but
with no dissmnblage of merchandise."
2. Change p. 9 Sea. B 21 to read ...."they do not exceed three
(3) feet."
3• Change p. 16 Sec' Repair l
10 A to read after "10Dot.r's office
11. Veterinarians office 12. Shoe Rep hop."
4. change p.36 s to read "at least four (4) parking apaces for
each 1000 square feet of gross floor area."
5. Change p. 33 lb to read ...."on the east by Hassan Street,
the businesses in this area will be exempt from the off-
street parking regulations in this ordinance."
There will be a special meeting of the Planning Commnission on Monday,
Janua=ry 299 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall to discuss the Zoning W.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.