01-29-1962 PCM cHUTCHINSON PLANNING COMP•:ISSION Mi?nates January 29, 1962 The Hutchinson Planning Commission held a special meeting on Monday, January 29, for the nurnose of outlining a new Zoning Map for the city of 13utchinson. Present were all the members of the Commission except Hoel and Corson. Engwall and powers were also present. There was discussion and settlement of the outlines of the Central Business District, the areas suitable for multiple dwellings, commercial areas, and industrial areas. PETITION - The petition of Edward L. Kelly and Earl Hansen to construct a multiple dwelling fourplex in Hansents Borth High Addition under a non -conforming permit was discussed. The Planning Commission recommends acproval of this permit to the City Council, with one dissenting. There being no further bcsiness, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary