03-19-1962 PCM ci1UTC11D4SO1; PLri1i1I11('r C01.11•TISSIOM Minutes March 19, 1962 The meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held on Monday, tree 19, at 7:30 F.M. in the City Hall. All members of the Planning Cori.ir:si.on were -,resent. Mayor Svendsen and members of the City Cou icil were : i'e:>ent, a� d En,;ii r_ll, Powers, Bolton, and Keefe. Mr. Duester- hoeft of Lynn Township was present. 7:30 P.M. - Dr. Bretzke recd the notice of the Public hearing scheduled on Reid1s Oak Park addition and Oak park Second addition. Mr. Schantzen, representir_F; Parr. Reid, who was also r .resent, mentioned that road access in the northwest section of the plat ha.d been acquired. Questions were raised concerning; drainage, the deed with 5 -year limitation for Parks and playgrounds, and possible west extension of Century Road. Hoel made the motion, seconded by Dr. Thompson, that the planning Con,ission recorriend to the City Council Reidts Oak Park Second adcition. Azo -roved. TToel made a motion that the dded to comply with Ordinance 235 for a turnabout area at the end of Oak Lane in the Oak Park addition be given to the city. Dr. Bretzke seconded. Approved. 8:00 P.11. - Mr. Carlson read the notice of the public hearing- called on the proposed Zoning Ordinance and Map. No Persons appeared. Mr. Carlson moved that the Planning Owwiission recommend to the City Council the adop- tion of the amendment to Ordinance 73. Torgrimson seconded. Approved. Mayor Svendsen commended the Planning Commission for its time and effort spent in developing the proposed Zoning Ordinance. The cor fileted mar• showing; major thorouF.1fares and nronosed highway bypasses was an-�,.roved. Mr. Powers was directed to send this man for an- proval to ;he State Highway department. Dr. Thomnson moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council The devolonment of Linden Avenue from Main Street west to the ro_+d bordering the i•restl side of the high-sc,lool site, and eliminating the jo,-, by the Baptist Church. noel seconded. Approved. It was felt trre City Cou:_cil might mee': with the Lynn Town board to consider extension o. this road west beyond the school site. Dr. retzke read a letter from the Park Board, listing points re- lating to acgaisiuion of new nark lands for the city to which the Plami.ng Co^a-dssior right give consideration. After discussion, Dr. Bretzke az)- poin,ed Mr. noel and Mrs. Stearns as a delegation to meet with members of the Park Po?rd to explain the t --:inking of the Pla ming Commission on these matters. Dr. Pretzke declined nomination as chairman for the coming year, _ and all members expre ressed regret, but complimented him for his guidance of the Planning Commission in mar4v successful projects of the past three years, Garlson moved, Hoel sacondPd, that Lloyd Torgrimson be nominated as ch�iraan for the year beginnizv, April, 1962. Approved. Minutes Planning Commission March 19, 1962 Ir. Aretzke made the mo`,ior,, seconded bar Koel, that To. Thomnson be nomin^ted as vice chairman of the Planning Commission. Approved. Dr. Thomoson made the motion, seconded by Roel, that Airs. ;led Stearns be nominated is secretary of the Planning Commission. Apnroved. 'here being no further nomiikations, the secretary was instructed to cast, an u animous ballot .for these officers of the Planning Commission. Where being no further ousiness, the meeting Was adjourned. "12 Secretary