Minutes April 16, 1962
The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission
was held on Monday, April 16, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Mall.
Present were Torgrimson, Dr. Thompson, Dr. Bretzke, Corson, Engwall,
Mrs. Stearns, and Powers. Lynn township was represented by Ed
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved with
one change. In the fourth paragraph from the bottom of the page,
change "west of school site" to read "west of city limits."
Mrs. Stearns reported on the meeting which she and Mr. Hoel
attended with the Park Board. The chief topic of discussion at the
meeting was the Park Board's desire to change Reid's Oak Park Sec-
ond addition so that the cemetery might be "squared off."
After discussion of the park and playground areas as they
are designated on the Comprehensive Plan, Dr. r;retzke moved that
the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council and the
Park Board that efforts be directed toward establishing a park
in the southwest section near the area south of Linden Avenue
marked "pn before this land becomes too expensive. Dr. Thomnson
seconded. Apn roved.
Dr. Thompson made a motion that consideration be given by
the City Council to acquiring the land indicated as nark east of
the high school site and also to an area north of Hillcrest.
Dr. Bretzke seconded. Ai,proved.
The renewed efforts to start an airport were also discussed,
and Dr. Bretzke made a motion that the Planning Commission recom-
mend to the City Council that a citizens' committee be formed to
investigate the possibility of an airport for Hutchinson. Corson
seconded. Ap';roved.
There being no !'urther business, the meeting was adjourned.