05-21-1962 PCM cTMT C'aNWN PLANVII'MI OOMMISSION Minutes May 21, 1962 The reEnil r meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Com^ig.�ion was held on Monday, May 21, at 7;30 P.M. in the City Hall. All members were Present, in- cluding Mr. Gruett as the new representative o7 the City Council. Minutes of the April 16 meeting were approved as read. After discussion of Reid's Oak Park Second addition, Dr. Thomason made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the city engineer confer with the county engineer in regard to draina,-e south of the city limits. Dr. Bretzke seconded. A -)proved. Mr. Carlson moved that the secretary be given authority to sign the final plat of Peterson's School addition (referred to `'ormerly in the ninutes of January 15 as Oakdale sus division). Dr. Bretzke seconded. Ari^roved. The engineer gave a verbal report as to the "practibility and feasibility" of the Woodhill subdivision, together wit}: sewer and water costs. Dr. Thomason moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Coimci7 arr,roval of the Woodhill preliminary plat, with the stipulation that the total cash contribu- tion for parks and playgrounds be required - and that the area designated as "Park" be included with Lot 1. Carlson seconded. Annroved. At, 8:30 Earl McDonald appeared with Marvin Menk and "Jiggs" Johnson of Bolton and Menk, engineers. They presented the comnlete, nroTosed subdivision plan of 180 acres of McDonald's farm, which is presently in Lynn townshin. The plan included a 14 -acre :lark in the southeast corner to :)e deeded to the city, adiccent to a 10 -acre trailer park on the west. The engineers made it clear that the biggest stumbling block to the develop- ment of any portion of the plan was SEWER if hoop• -up to the city system is ever contemplated. Dr. Bretzke questioned the trailer court as comprising a I'miltinle dwell- ing area in a prime residential area." All members of the planning Commission gratitude at being given the op- portunity of seeing the whole plan as it is envisioned for the future, and satisfaction with the planned extension of the existing city road plan. Mr. Carlson moved, seconded by Mr. lioel, that Mrs. Stearns contact Mr. Hawks for his opinion on: 1. The location of the trailer court in McDonald's plan and the whole plan in general, and 2. Where the city might relocate the bulk oil companies now occupying the city's Property on Jefferson St. The motion was approved. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary