06-18-1962 PCM c".UTGaNSUN PLANt�tIt�mG CUMM.1. IO:1 i minutes The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Ccrnnission was held Monday, June 189 at 7:30 P.k. in the Cit;, Hall. All members were oresent except Dr. Bretzke. The minutes of the meeting of May 21 were read and approved. Mr. James Hawks, planning consultant, c~.me in response to questions concerning development of Earl McDonald's land, and also the relocation of the bulk oil tanks presently on city nrorerty on Jefferson St. Mr. Hawks questioned the dbsirability of Bolton and Menk's "grid- iron" plan with relation to the contours of the land of Mc�onaldls property. He presented a sketch of his prorosal for -.ne lake front, area, which would continue Lewis Ave. as a f1collector" street behind the lake front lots. A small public park was designated on the lake fror:, .with other ease- ments at intervals for public access. T"dithout sewer and water the ulat ought not to be = - roved at all," he saidt nor would Lynn township's present zoning ordinance permit it. _ Mr. Duesterhoeft of Lynn township said that there would be a aublic hearing at 8 o1clock on July 6 of McDonald's petition to rezone a portion of his land commercial in order that tie nd ght start his trailer court. Dr. Thompson and Dr. F!retzke were delef-ated to rerresent. the Planning oDmmission. Mr. Hawks said suitable sites for trailer homes in Hutchinson would be in the northeast or southeast sections of town. He said relocation of the bulk oil tanks might be to anywhere be- low the dam, possibly beyond the present dump or new sewage disrosal plant. Bob Roberts appeared with a question regarding his nrorosed plat. Cl In extending Larson St. south through his property, he feels a -Aj" be necessary to utilize his land to best, advantage. The Planning Com- mission gave tentative approval. The secretary was requested to write the City Council and the Mayor asking that an item of $250 for Planning (commission expenses be included in the budget for 1962-1963. Carlson mdde a motion that Uie Planning Commission recommend ap- proval to the City Council of the final plat of the Woodhill subdivision with the stipulation that there be a cash contribution for parks and playgrounds based on the formula used for the Larson and Peterson's School additions. Gmett seconded. Approved. There being no further business, the meeting was adjo-ar: gecretary