09-17-1962 PCM c�fl+�wM�Raay'tf.�V►+M�q�a�iWi�Al�;}�+fi�lyRr.�SV� - Id+..I+NiM.►WMw�fjjM+4A*R��h\t M�+aYb�+t'��
September 17, 1962
The regular meeting of the Hul-chinson Planning Commission was held
on Monday, September 17, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall. 411 members
were present except Mr. Hoel.
The minutes of the meeting of July 16 were read and approved. There
was no meeting in August.
Bob Roberts appeared on behalf of his plat east of his home. He has
subdivided 4.2 acres of a 9.9 -acre area into 14 lots, with roads extend-
ing those of the Larson and Peterson's School additions.
Carlson moved that the Planning Commission recorriend approval of this
preliminary plat to the City Council. Gruett seconded. Approved.
The final nlat of Reidis Oak Park Second addition was nresented for
approval. This adds 47 lots to the 24 of Reidrs Oak Park addition.
Dr. Breteke moved, seconded by Carlson, that the Planning Com-ission
recommend to the City Council ai prova:i of the final plat, of Reid t s Oak
Park Second addition - with the stipulation that Mr. Reids attention be
called to the fact that adequate storm newer drainage must be provided
for any further building south of Century Road. Ancroved.
The zoning and subdivision ordinances were r.ronounced effective and
working well. Dr. Thompson questioned enforcement of the trailer ordinance.
Dr. Thompson made a motion that the Planning Commission recommend to
the City Council that it give consideration to the inadequacy of the Cream-
ery bridge as an urgent problem and that it institute the proceedings neces-
a3ry for ren lacement in the near future. Gruett seconded. Apv:roved.
After discussion of sidewalk construction problems, the members of
the Plannin€ Commission will consider ire October the advisability of amend-
ing the subdivision ordinance to include sidewalks.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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