10-15-1962 PCM cr \�
Minutes October 15, 1962
The retralar tink7 of the I-Tutcl-)i-isjr Plar".rLinr- Commission was
held on mondayy, ^to er 15, at 7:30 F.''. in hr. 'ily �ra.11. :111
wF�re • resent.
The oeti`. J on of 11 and Frieda. Schott to amend thc: district
6our,O--tries rezoiv- Lots 2 and 3 of Lot. G subs i vision from resi-
d" I;tial to :r .lti; l? dwelling was considered.
Les ;; cn_: a •eared on b4alf o:' this r atiti o•, and descrir)ed
t ' -3a _Ldin;-s „r ). -)sed fox, this area - one-story, two seven-anartment
',D :%ce c..ch other on a cep:-•ral driveway and court, t. rick
"rf-street narkinr.
afr,r,r of procedure according +o Section 17, Ordin-
3nC? ! i, ;)r. 7 i -t zlke r.�oved tnat t`.I1�' I ' �"1 Zi l+,7 +.1 (j lOti, t
r~ . =rt;r �r,� i i trP arp 3 P ,drawn ,:� , i . , h th a the ;"Dir -
"in, Ccx� s in^ � �lr; � z:.lic t.. .:. ..,,-,-tion at a
S[CCidl Pte'Y•lT?, .Jn ay, "iO�te;'.; pn ', a'. il, he Ci' :,y !is1i.
Jr. Thon►)son seconded. 4.proveu.
Rus^eli J %hnson and Ken _nders..n a -'eared as s, ,kesmen for
an airport for �Ntchinson. Nen �ii,ier:�a, re .e:er.,,iz; the J.C.'s,
exnlained thit the main obst)cle is qn nrnina rcr� the
em)enditure of public funds for an ir, ort, T.Tj.':!l.Jlit. vo, 1 of the
peo le. He ointed out the many l)enrfits -,.f an air ort to a,�ri-
cult..re, industry, the mrydical rrofessdon, ' nk, tc Hutchinson as a
tourist attraction.
Mr. Jihnson discussed his mage -,-rri,-nces critn the tyre of
aixT,ort.Hutchinson could have and said th-.t. l:r e in3unLs of state
and federal. aid are available. He said that an air- ort was 'mart
of the im-:: e of a corrinunity in this In..v ary
Hoel M: -:-de a motion, seconded ny ;� rison, th-l' L e Planning
Gnmmgission call tli�- attention o'the Cit, C,�_lncii :ap•)in to the
Planning Crr.x-fission minutes or V ril lc., i9uu , in &Acul-:r to
the : ara,-r-A-h r�-la..in� to the, rPco!ruiend'Ition thtt a citizens)
committee rye formed to investij .te the Dr' an 'Iil-,nrt
mor �Iutchinson. 4-); roved.
autchinso:rls sidewalk rroblems rrere disc rssec'.
There ,:?irw n0 urther business., thQ :i- tin;' ;!as adjourned.
Z e -".e S