11-05-1962 PCM cHUTCiZ1R M PI,Amm OnWISSION minutes A special meeting of the 1-�:tchinson Planning ronrdssion was cal:ied for Monday, r,tovQp ber S, at 7:30 P.I. in the City Hall for the nurpose )f holding a :,)ubiic hearing. .411 members were present a xent Chairman Tor(;riinson. Dr. rtionr)son presided. After the reading of the legal notice calling the hearing., 31 Schott, Les and Roger Zajicek m -.oke in behalf of the nettion o amen m Zoning ordinance 215 to rezone lots 2 and 3 of Lot rII s R-1 residents �l to R-� m atiple dwelling. The; presented sketches and photographs and said that qutchinson needs more rental units for erL-1 -;res of existing industry and to attract new industry. Walter Block spoke ,s a homeowner in the area to question whether there was sufficient parking area. Les Zajicek said the 1:0 ratio of parking mace was considered adequate. The public hearing was adjourned at "'; P.`°. Dar. Bretzke moved, seconaed by Carlson, that the Planning Commis- sion recommend to the City Council a; provll of this ,,etition to amend to rezone lots 1 and 3 of Lot "G" subdivision to multiple dwelling. An; roved. A petition of Al Patrias for a special "Ise permit tc, sell Christmas trees on his lot for November and December of each year wap discussed. Dr. Bretzke moved, sec,.)nded by Roel, to recommend tKa the Planning Com- mission give a, ,)rov it to the acceptance of this c)eti tip:. with the Words "each year" being changed to "this year." Approved. Bob Roberts wa: Present in retard to his final -lat. John Bolton, city engineer, e�qilained that a 121 easement shoulc: be allowed on the south boundary of Roberts, -lat to facilitate future construction of storm sewer by the city. He asked that construction of ho-ses on lots 7 and 8 be delayed or adjusted to this easement rea�irement. Mr. Roberts' only objection was that "delay nendinf, storm sewer con- stnt.ction by t;:e ci'-y" was too indefinite. Carls-)n mov(�d th .t t' -)e final plat of goberts .bdivision be recor!- mended for a roval to the City Caa ncil contingent on securing the necessary easement from itoberta for fitture store: sever. Dr. 13ret.zke seconded.. Arproved. Mr. Bolton exnlained pending park and storm sewer proposals for the southwes' section of the city. %.4 There beim; no further business, the meeting was adjourned.