Minutes December V. 1962
The regular meeting of the Itutchinson PlanlLinr. Corvnission
was held on Monday, Dece.-m -�r 17, at 7:30 F.Y. in the City Hall.
All mem'�)ers were ,-)resent.
The minuc,(,c of the ref—lar meting of November 19 were read
and anproved.
Dr. Thom -son said that the "tilities Co=ission was offer-
ina a,ro)imately one acre of land behind its new service garage
north of Hwy. 7 to the city for nark and nlavi;round use.
Mr. Torgrimson mentioned that a need for a policy or master
plan for naming future s'.reets or road ext-nsi,-)ns w�.s felt.
Dr. jretzke made a motion that the Planning Corrmdssion recommend
to the City Council that the City Administrator and the engineer-
ing department furnish tiie Plann}.ng Commission with a savgested
plan.for naming future streets. tioel sReonded. Ar -roved.
A Capital Imorovements nroE;rarr, was disc,issed as the next
item for study by the Planning Cora fission.
Mr. Carlson brought up the -Iressures lately in rhshing
throui-h subdivision plats and urojects without Ironer retard for
forms, time intervals, and thorouf-h investii-ation.
The recurring nroblem of the engineercl serving both individu-
als and the city was discussed as occasionally 'nping disadvantageo-is
to both.
Mr. 7brgrimson appointed Mr. Hoel and Mr. Carinon as a
committee to make up a check list of sunjPcts to b,- viPStioned
and answered satisfactorily by the e,.,�_:iaeers by Fore any new
plats or projects are arproved.
There bei.nP no further business, the meetir- was -adjourned.
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