01-20-1964 PCM cNuTatr4901i F" ."WM tx)l 19SION Y,lnutes Jamiaiy 2o, 1964 The regular meeting of the .L:utchinson planning Oodm:iseio^ wss held on Monday, January 20, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall. Hoel and Torvrimson were absent,. Carlson ereeided, The minuieo of the meeting of December lt, Were read and appz"v d. The secretar; reported that the gearing on the redistricting of McLeod County had proceeded ao expected. Since there were no st)ecific items on the agenda, there was -Iism,ssion of methods of anproachinp the senting -up of a capital improvments program as provided for in Ordinance 208, Section IV, Duties and power of the Commission. iliere blinP no further business, the meeting wan adjourned. secretary