02-17-1964 PCM cf0i+e.w*w 4rP w wa�ArM-re �Pter 6i�tH+: ��►l�sM�i••.MINOR Mirrutes Fenr.i�try 7.79 1964 The rel-ular me.,t•inf. of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held on Monday, Fe .-ruary 17, at 7:30 P.''. in the City stall. Gruett was absent. The mirnt+aR of they mePtin,- of JamiRry 90 were read and arnroved. Mr. Hoel re sorted that a request from he Fa cors Union Co-opera- tive for a special permit to '.wild a storage building- for Ory fertiliz- er had been under -'iscussion retween regular Planning7 Commission meet, i ngs. After re*, Prence to the Zoning Ordinance, investir-ation arra ree m- menoation of the City Engineer, and a phone call vote of the Planrinf- uoiw _ssion memrers, oris request had been recommended for approval to the City Co,.i-xil ay its meeting, of FehruRry 10. There was general agree- ment, however, that such action should not set arrecedent for future re- quests to hasten reFular procedure. The City ei,gineer presented two proposals from then Dennis on trading property in alk. 11, North CiT,y. Dr. Thomason moved that the Planning, Com rIssion recommend to the City Council approval of Eben Dennis' proposal No. 1 - that he would sell the city the N. 261 feet of Lot 2 for wnat the city receives from the sale of bots 9 - 12. Tbrgrimason seconded. ,approved. The capital improvements projection of the City Co•,,ncil and PW - oral infonsation on plane for the future from tine school board and the KEW—Madan mom presant ed-a� .baaia.i n ro ation neeoe"ml .for Qs P7sffxdA8 Commission to vitline a fiv -yP1r-apital improvements PI s said its financiug. J&* Powers presented a form outlining the stens in Platting Prooed=v - a four-month process - for tree informat.iun of developers of proposed subdivisions. There being, no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary