03-30-1994 PCM cw HUTO MSON PLANNING COMMIISSION Minutes March 30, 1964 ' A special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was held on Monday, March 30, at 8 P.M. in the City Hall for the purpose of holding a public hearing. Gruett was absent. The public hearing was for consideration of a proposed amendment to Ordinance No, 245 to rezone lots 1, 2, and 3. Engelmannts subdivision, from R-19 residential, to B-3, general business. Chairman Hoel opened the meeting by ref-rring to the procedure indicated for rezoning requests in the Zoning Ordinance. The secretary read the legal notice. k'feeted property owners who appeared were Mr. and Mrs. William Christensen, Dale Blake, Mrs. Felix Esping, George Rach, Mrs. harry Merrick and Otto Zeleny. Richard Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Engelmann, and Mr. Pattison were also present. Mr. Pattison described the drive-in, carry -out eating establishment for which he plans to use the property, and invited questions. `"he neighboring homeowners questioned traffic hazards, disposal of waste paper, depreciation of their property values, and possible odors. Mr. Christensen presented the Plarming Commission with a copy of a petition, signed by 36 occupants of houses in the neighborhood, to RKrUSE the request to rezone. After hearing both sides, Mr. Hoel dismissed the hearing and said the Planning Commission would take the request under advisement until its regu- lar meeting of April 20. There was disc.:ssion of a new member to be appointed to the Planning Commission, Torgriason moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Oouneil that Dr. Thompson be appointed as a member of the Planning 0o dm_ a five-year term. Dr. Schafer seconded. Approved unanimously. Mr. Wilson mentioned that the annual convention for City Planners would be held in Duluth on April 24th and 25th. It was suggested that Chuck Carlson attend to represent Hutchinson. Mr. Wilson also read a letter from the Federal Aviation authority re- questing written approval of the airport, site by the local planrd_np agency. The Planning Commission will do this after consultation at a joint meeting with the Lynn township board, the city council, and a state aeronautics official. There Ming no further bi:siness, the meeting was adjourned. _Se,c!'etiiz7.,, r