05-18-1964 PCM c4b.-- - _,w -
Eiutchinson Planning Cammission s
May 18, 19 64
The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Carmission was held
on Monday May 1`', 1954 at 7:30 F Y. in the '.ity Hall. All members were presen
president Carl=on introduced tr.- two new members,darry Hanson of the
City Council,and Clinton Tracy, the represpntativ�- of the Utilities Commission.
The minutes of t.:e April 20th meeting were read and approved.
Discussion of ti -P Acora TwT,.rio=-,rl tinct the small. parcel of
land ;gest of Feterson's g3raFe be annexed tri the City resulted in no action
being taken.
It way agreed that a letter of thankF be sent to Eloi Hamre for his
action in cringing Mr. Franz Wogen, trip President of The Montevideo Chamber
of Commerce, and Mr.JamPs Russell, the Executive Secretary of that body to
the April 20th meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission so that they
might present their views,and experiences with Federal Renewal Programs in
their City.
Yresi(ient Carlson ar.pointed a committee consisting of Torgrimson,
chairman, and Hanson and Thompson to study the Capitol Improvement Program.
:.)iscussion relative to rezoning blocks 72-25, north half of the City
resulted in no action beinj- taken.
LynnTwr,.r-oar members were present anJ mutual problems were dis-
The scheduled public hearing relative to annexation of Blocks 3 and
4, Larson's Subdivision was held at 8 P.M. After 1 discussion and study of
the Preliminary Flat Hoel sugggested that Larson's surveyor meet with City
Engineer Nilson and ter. Larson in an attempt tp iron out difficulties posed
by saia Piat.
At 9:00 P.M. the scheduled 'nearing on rezoning property owned by
Joe Satterlee,adjacent to the Texaco station wa. held. Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Zeleny and Miss Rose Jenecky appeared in opnositi,n, and Cliff Moldestad,
Mr. Wiley4c Luverne Wiley spoke for the rezoning . Geo. Schlueter was also
present. After a lengthy discussion, and due consideration, Dr. Schafer
made a motion that The Commission recommend to the City Council that approv-
al be given to the renuest of Mr. Satterlee to have his property rezoned
from F-1 to k-3. Torgrimson seconded, snd ttie motion was unanimously approved.
Discussion relative to sepuring clerical assistance for the Planning
Commission resulted in ftmomwit that Fresident Carlson and fioel make the proper
contacts with the City Clerk*- JfficP in an effort to hire = clerk from that office.
There being no further business the meetelf as adjourned at 10:10 P.M.
A .Thompson, cretary