06-15-1964 PCM c`,
Hutchinson Planning Commission
The regular monthly meeting of The Hutchinson Planning
Commission was held at The City Hall on Monday June 15,1964 at
7:30 PM. Members present; Pres. Carlson,Hanson, Hoel, Torgrimson,
Tracy and Thompson. Absent; Dr. Schafer.
President Carlson called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the May 18th meeting; were read.Pollowing
correction as follows; Line 21 delete " annexation ", and substi—
tute " the Preliminary Plat "; Line 33 delete " R-$ ", and sub—
stitute " B_3 11, the minutes were approved.
The memorandum dated May 19, 1964 from City Engineer Wilson
relating to his meeting with Mr.& Mrs. Herman Larson and their
attorney was read and discussed at length. Agreement was reached
that the Planning Commission recommend to The City Council that
approval of the Larson Preliminary Plat for the 9 lot layout, as
worked out by The City Engineer, be granted, providing that Mr.&
Mrs. Larson agree to the following conditions;
1. Annexation of the 180 feet of the Larson home property
lying north of Lewis Avenue.
2. Dedication of one rod of ground for street purposes on
Lewis Avenue.
3. Agree to be included in the Lewis Avenue improvement
4. Agree to grant easement for storm sewer line,if necessary.
The planning Commission discussed the future highway plans,
as they relate to the Hutchinson Community.
Recommendation was made t.-) The Cit;; Council that parking
restrictions on Pishney Avenue be put into effect, as a Public
Safety measure.
There beingno further business, the meetinr� adjourned at
9;00 P.M. /
4.J.Thompson, Secretary